World of Warcraft
Realm Population
Most populated European  Alliance and  Horde Realms
Most populated Korean  Alliance and  Horde Realms
Most populated USA  Alliance and  Horde Realms
Most populated Taiwanese  Alliance and  Horde Realms


European, Normal, German, Europe/Paris.

Other connected realms: Malygos 
Last updated 27.07.2024
Realms active characters
Alliance 3 121
Horde 1 835
Overall 4 956
  Combined active characters
from connected realms*
Alliance 5 754
Horde 3 188
Overall 8 942
* Malygos 
Realms most active guilds
Only guilds that have active members (2 week period) are shown.
  Guild Active members Side Realm Founded
1. Shadowkings 255 Alliance Malfurion 19.02.2008
2. Eiswolf Clan 158 Horde Malfurion 06.05.2005
3. Kanalratten Sturmwind 150 Alliance Malfurion 04.06.2020
4. Assassins of Blood 144 Horde Malygos 26.07.2020
5. Nandor 142 Alliance Malfurion 01.01.2008
6. Evil Awareness 142 Horde Malygos 02.06.2010
7. Nachtfrost 124 Alliance Malfurion 28.02.2017
8. Rat der Ältesten 124 Alliance Malfurion 16.09.2018
9. Warriors of Heaven 121 Alliance Malfurion 13.01.2008
10. Dystopia 121 Alliance Malfurion 13.01.2022
11. Renegade Raider 110 Alliance Malygos 12.01.2018
12. The Great Pfush 110 Alliance Malfurion 28.08.2023
13. Numinis Divinum 98 Alliance Malfurion 27.10.2008
14. Evôlutiôn 96 Horde Malfurion 06.07.2008
15. Göttersturm 94 Alliance Malfurion 04.08.2019
16. Sternensturm 91 Alliance Malfurion 20.10.2005
17. Raid in Peace 91 Alliance Malygos 16.01.2024
18. Hotpokets 90 Alliance Malygos 18.12.2008
19. The Fighter of Red Rose 87 Alliance Malfurion 27.12.2005
20. Böller Brudis 86 Alliance Malfurion 26.08.2017
21. See Der Götter 83 Horde Malfurion 16.10.2012
22. Die Erben von Lordaeron 83 Alliance Malygos 17.12.2019
23. Lost and Found 81 Horde Malygos 07.07.2018
24. Die Polarwölfe 81 Horde Malygos 04.06.2008
25. Brothers of Honour 74 Alliance Malygos 02.02.2006
26. Könnten schon durch sein 74 Horde Malfurion 22.02.2024
27. Uhrwerk Orange 73 Horde Malygos 15.04.2010
28. Unio Mystica 72 Horde Malfurion 19.04.2005
29. Die Traumwandler 69 Alliance Malygos 02.05.2010
30. Die Akadier 64 Alliance Malygos 24.11.2012
31. Once Upon a Time 64 Horde Malygos 22.10.2022
32. Bund der Entschlossenen 63 Alliance Malygos 09.08.2008
33. Have Fun 62 Alliance Malfurion 25.11.2007
34. Veni Vidi Wipe 60 Horde Malygos 18.03.2017
35. Hammer of Darkness 58 Horde Malygos 27.08.2008
36. Soulmates Never Die 57 Horde Malfurion 27.02.2017
37. Bewahrer der Allianz 56 Alliance Malygos 10.01.2006
38. Orden des Phoenix 53 Alliance Malygos 14.06.2008
39. Modus Hero 52 Alliance Malygos 11.04.2008
40. The Fighter of Dark Rose 51 Horde Malfurion 20.08.2017
41. Aktive Sterbehílfe 50 Alliance Malygos 01.03.2024
42. Exhale 48 Alliance Malygos 05.07.2017
43. Nordisch by Nature 48 Alliance Malfurion 22.12.2006
44. Anachoreos 47 Horde Malygos 11.11.2018
45. Ghost Rider 46 Alliance Malygos 25.01.2021
46. Legacy of Dragons 44 Alliance Malfurion 29.04.2005
47. Knights of the Darkness 44 Horde Malygos 12.07.2020
48. Orgris Hubba Bubba Gang 43 Horde Malygos 14.03.2017
49. Wipe United 43 Alliance Malfurion 21.01.2019
50. Malfurions Helden 43 Alliance Malfurion 13.11.2023
51. Die Rebellen von Malygos 42 Alliance Malygos 03.01.2010
52. NIHIL INTERIT 41 Alliance Malfurion 02.10.2008
53. Dark Phönix 41 Horde Malfurion 02.08.2007
54. zerSCHMETTERLINGE 41 Alliance Malygos 11.10.2011
55. Wipe United 41 Horde Malygos 23.04.2019
56. Nette Familie u Freunde 41 Alliance Malygos 12.11.2009
57. zupft weiter 41 Alliance Malygos 14.09.2012
58. Papillon 41 Horde Malygos 21.11.2020
59. Orgrimmar Unicorns 39 Horde Malygos 04.09.2018
60. Die Unermüdlichen 39 Alliance Malfurion 03.10.2014
61. Black Dragons 38 Alliance Malfurion 23.04.2005
62. Finis coronat opus 38 Alliance Malfurion 29.06.2017
63. BlacksHope 38 Alliance Malygos 07.12.2011
64. Parley 37 Alliance Malygos 03.09.2018
65. Das alte Bündnis 36 Horde Malfurion 09.07.2016
66. Allianz der Ixxe 35 Alliance Malygos 29.03.2006
67. Dark Phönix 35 Alliance Malygos 20.04.2013
68. Die Indianer Azeroths 35 Alliance Malfurion 12.12.2015
69. Rise And Fall 34 Alliance Malfurion 14.01.2009
70. Abyssus 34 Alliance Malfurion 29.07.2020
71. Schattenlicht 33 Alliance Malfurion 07.08.2020
72. Punishment 33 Alliance Malfurion 26.05.2021
73. Money Fix 33 Alliance Malygos 16.04.2011
74. Home of the Valkyries 32 Alliance Malygos 19.09.2023
75. Die Chaos Truppe 31 Horde Malfurion 15.05.2021
76. Semper Fidelis 30 Alliance Malygos 22.07.2006
77. Celestial Defenders 30 Alliance Malygos 06.02.2006
78. Return of the Dark 29 Alliance Malfurion 02.06.2023
79. Schattendrachen 28 Alliance Malfurion 02.07.2016
80. Rule of Rose 28 Alliance Malfurion 05.03.2009
81. Von der Nachtwache 28 Horde Malygos 08.11.2014
82. Witchblades 28 Alliance Malygos 10.04.2009
83. StolpersteinGnome 28 Alliance Malygos 04.11.2023
84. Outlawed 27 Horde Malfurion 23.08.2008
85. Omega 27 Alliance Malygos 26.12.2009
86. Smooth Cruisers 27 Alliance Malfurion 29.09.2007
87. Team Kalimdor Zentralis 26 Horde Malfurion 21.08.2005
88. Schweizergarde 26 Alliance Malygos 05.01.2006
89. Infernal Legends 25 Horde Malygos 22.12.2005
90. Tempt Fate 25 Alliance Malygos 26.08.2019
91. Heavens Gate 25 Horde Malfurion 05.04.2005
92. In memory of Amboß 25 Horde Malygos 27.01.2018
93. The Unknown Users 25 Alliance Malfurion 20.06.2023
94. aXiom 24 Alliance Malygos 28.06.2009
95. Damage Incorporated 24 Horde Malfurion 14.04.2005
96. Noctem Mortis 24 Horde Malfurion 26.02.2009
97. Du bist leider Du 23 Horde Malygos 21.05.2008
98. schattengestalten 22 Alliance Malfurion 04.12.2011
99. Clan der Eisenwölfe 22 Horde Malfurion 21.01.2010
100. Helden von Malygos 22 Alliance Malygos 20.05.2014
101. Mysterys Secret Service 22 Alliance Malygos 12.09.2021
102. Light Hope 22 Horde Malfurion 19.11.2021
103. Malfurions Wächter 22 Alliance Malfurion 27.07.2023
104. Hell of Victory 21 Horde Malygos 15.08.2010


Most populated server for EU is Silvermoon with 70 941 characters, for alliance most populated is with 0 characters and for horde with 0 characters.
Most populated server for US is Ragnaros with 27 498 characters, for alliance most populated is with 0 characters and for horde with 0 characters.
Most populated server for Korea is 달라란 with 20 771 characters, for alliance most populated is with 0 characters and for horde with 0 characters.
Most populated server for Taiwan is 尖石 with 41 603 characters, for alliance most populated is with 0 characters and for horde with 0 characters.

Population is calculated based on actively playing characters, instead of total number of characters found on server.

Wow Realm Population is for players who are looking for most active and populated Alliance or Horde realm and guild.

- Active character: Character has logged in within 30 days.
- All data is gathered from API usign guilds and characters info.
- Characters under level 10 are not counted.
- EU and USA frontpage recommendations emphasizes english speaking realms, for specific language realms check the realms lists.

*Guilds Participation
Total number of characters from the same guild were present (2 or more) in raid or dungeon each time the boss dies.

**Guilds Boss Kills
Number of bosses killed in raids or dungeons when 2 or more from the same guild where present.

These numbers are to distinguish guilds that have members who participate together in raids and dungeons more often that other guilds.

WowRealmPopulation statistics
EU characters in database: 6 731 204 of which 1 393 304 is currently considered being active within 2 week period.
EU guilds in database: 23 422 that have at least 10 members that are considered active within 2 week period.

US characters in database: 5 706 769 of which 1 258 248 is currently considered being active within 2 week period.
US guilds in database: 10 282 that have at least 10 members that are considered active within 2 week period.

Korean characters in database: 1 298 048 of which 41 926 is currently considered being active within 2 week period.
Korean guilds in database: 1 498 that have at least 5 members that are considered active within 2 week period.

Taiwanese characters in database: 2 007 374 of which 100 576 is currently considered being active within 2 week period.
Taiwanese guilds in database: 2 923 that have at least 5 members that are considered active within 2 week period.

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