World of Warcraft
Realm Population
Most populated European  Alliance and  Horde Realms
Most populated Korean  Alliance and  Horde Realms
Most populated USA  Alliance and  Horde Realms
Most populated Taiwanese  Alliance and  Horde Realms

Taiwanese most populated Horde realms

Last updated 14.01.2025
1.  暗影之月
台灣 / 一般
Realms active characters 0
Active Horde characters 0
Active Alliance characters 0
台灣 / 一般
Realms active characters 0
Active Horde characters 0
Active Alliance characters 0
台灣 / 一般
Realms active characters 0
Active Horde characters 0
Active Alliance characters 0
台灣 / 一般
Realms active characters 0
Active Horde characters 0
Active Alliance characters 0
台灣 / 一般
Realms active characters 0
Active Horde characters 0
Active Alliance characters 0
台灣 / 一般
Realms active characters 0
Active Horde characters 0
Active Alliance characters 0
台灣 / 一般
Realms active characters 0
Active Horde characters 0
Active Alliance characters 0
台灣 / 一般
Realms active characters 0
Active Horde characters 0
Active Alliance characters 0
台灣 / 一般
Realms active characters 0
Active Horde characters 0
Active Alliance characters 0
*All active
Horde characters
*Alliance *All active characters
0 0 0
* All connected realms numbers combined

Horde guilds based on active members
  Guild Active members Realm Founded
1. 休閒家 36 地獄吼 16.07.2020
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
2. 螃蟹隨便你吃社會福利機構 24 眾星之子 28.06.2021
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
3. 飛天家族 24 阿薩斯 28.07.2008
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
4. 亂世傲武 23 暗影之月 26.04.2022
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
5. Erinnerst du dich noch 22 冰風崗哨 18.06.2021
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
6. 禾火趴下 19 尖石 19.08.2021
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
7. 紫雲仙境 19 狂熱之刃 01.07.2009
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
8. 救世羽樂詩盟 19 冰風崗哨 09.02.2020
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
9. 霜醉月 17 阿薩斯 25.02.2024
  82 Boss kills** where a total of 396 members of the guild have participated*
10. Avecle Soleil 16 阿薩斯 23.10.2022
  33 Boss kills** where a total of 66 members of the guild have participated*
11. Nivose 16 冰風崗哨 05.06.2022
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
12. RE Monster 16 寒冰皇冠 22.11.2017
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
13. 幸福小棧 16 寒冰皇冠 12.11.2010
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
14. 亞美蝶 15 地獄吼 09.04.2021
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
15. 半熟煎包專賣店 15 阿薩斯 29.06.2020
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
16. 渣女俱樂部 14 尖石 12.02.2013
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
17. 破碎的挽歌 13 語風 14.03.2023
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
18. 爱的故事下集 12 地獄吼 11.04.2023
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
19. Escape 11 寒冰皇冠 18.05.2024
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
20. 魔獸傳奇人物之艾澤拉斯的救星婷婷集團股份有限公司 11 暗影之月 06.11.2020
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
21. 防空洞 10 暗影之月 01.03.2023
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
22. 全國最大女獸人裸聊接待中心 10 眾星之子 11.06.2022
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
23. 日本好玩好吃又好買 9 語風 18.01.2021
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
24. 鐵板魷魚 8 阿薩斯 09.08.2020
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
25. 泰坦議會 8 暗影之月 29.09.2011
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
26. 歡喜人間 7 語風 03.02.2023
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
27. Unquenchable Flame 7 阿薩斯 04.07.2021
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
28. 纳格兰的星空 6 暗影之月 21.05.2023
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
29. SMOrc 6 阿薩斯 02.03.2021
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
30. 史塔克家族戰備倉庫 6 寒冰皇冠 01.08.2016
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
2.  雷鱗
台灣 / 一般
Realms active characters 0
Active Horde characters 0
Active Alliance characters 0
台灣 / 一般
Realms active characters 0
Active Horde characters 0
Active Alliance characters 0
台灣 / 一般
Realms active characters 0
Active Horde characters 0
Active Alliance characters 0
台灣 / 一般
Realms active characters 0
Active Horde characters 0
Active Alliance characters 0
台灣 / 一般
Realms active characters 0
Active Horde characters 0
Active Alliance characters 0
台灣 / 一般
Realms active characters 0
Active Horde characters 0
Active Alliance characters 0
台灣 / 一般
Realms active characters 0
Active Horde characters 0
Active Alliance characters 0
台灣 / 一般
Realms active characters 0
Active Horde characters 0
Active Alliance characters 0
台灣 / 一般
Realms active characters 0
Active Horde characters 0
Active Alliance characters 0
*All active
Horde characters
*Alliance *All active characters
0 0 0
* All connected realms numbers combined

Horde guilds based on active members
  Guild Active members Realm Founded
1. 農田休閒生活 20 亞雷戈斯 12.01.2021
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
2. 沒有什麼過不去只是再也回不去 19 雷鱗 14.08.2015
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
3. 喝牛奶 19 米奈希爾 24.02.2022
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
4. Pleiades 16 巨龍之喉 14.09.2013
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
5. 黏黏蘋果醬 14 夜空之歌 07.12.2022
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
6. 黑心商會 14 雲蛟衛 26.10.2021
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
7. 幽靈人口 13 世界之樹 13.01.2012
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
8. 菊爆總隊 13 血之谷 02.04.2021
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
9. 在你裝逼的那一刻我又露出了無恥的笑容 13 雷鱗 19.08.2012
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
10. 雨中的洛丹倫 12 米奈希爾 29.06.2020
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
11. 上上下下 11 冰霜之刺 30.04.2009
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
12. 皇家騎士 10 冰霜之刺 25.01.2008
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
13. Flame Blade 9 世界之樹 07.04.2023
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
14. WindFantasy 9 血之谷 15.12.2008
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
15. Roach 9 巨龍之喉 23.01.2021
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
16. 山河锦绣 8 世界之樹 11.03.2023
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
17. 七曜 8 夜空之歌 19.03.2022
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
18. 落花流血 8 血之谷 23.06.2021
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
19. 日心說 8 米奈希爾 07.12.2020
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
20. 悠揚薇海 8 夜空之歌 11.11.2020
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
21. Downtown 8 夜空之歌 17.02.2020
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
22. 小黑貓俱樂部 8 亞雷戈斯 16.10.2010
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
23. Fremen 8 夜空之歌 20.11.2019
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
24. 感謝大大無私分享 7 亞雷戈斯 13.05.2018
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
25. 異世界旅團 7 亞雷戈斯 22.01.2010
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
26. SLAM DUNK 7 雷鱗 06.07.2019
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
27. 天使之夢 6 血之谷 09.12.2012
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
28. 鐵爸與他的快樂小夥伴 6 亞雷戈斯 14.03.2018
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
29. 氣宇非凡 6 巨龍之喉 11.07.2009
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
30. Swagger Like Us II 5 冰霜之刺 22.11.2021
  50 Boss kills** where a total of 173 members of the guild have participated*
3.  日落沼澤
台灣 / 一般
Realms active characters 0
Active Horde characters 0
Active Alliance characters 0
台灣 / 一般
Realms active characters 0
Active Horde characters 0
Active Alliance characters 0
台灣 / 一般
Realms active characters 0
Active Horde characters 0
Active Alliance characters 0
台灣 / 一般
Realms active characters 0
Active Horde characters 0
Active Alliance characters 0
台灣 / 一般
Realms active characters 0
Active Horde characters 0
Active Alliance characters 0
台灣 / 一般
Realms active characters 0
Active Horde characters 0
Active Alliance characters 0
台灣 / 一般
Realms active characters 0
Active Horde characters 0
Active Alliance characters 0
*All active
Horde characters
*Alliance *All active characters
0 0 0
* All connected realms numbers combined

Horde guilds based on active members
  Guild Active members Realm Founded
1. 中国 34 銀翼要塞 16.11.2020
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
2. 渾元形意太極掌門人 22 聖光之願 07.01.2021
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
3. 垃圾遊戲 19 水晶之刺 22.04.2021
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
4. BNSR 18 銀翼要塞 15.09.2012
  3 Boss kills** where a total of 6 members of the guild have participated*
5. 空勤特戰部落基地 17 屠魔山谷 23.06.2022
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
6. DeathSoul 17 日落沼澤 13.11.2014
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
7. Knights of Resources 16 日落沼澤 06.04.2022
  52 Boss kills** where a total of 156 members of the guild have participated*
8. MAMAMOO 15 屠魔山谷 03.04.2022
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
9. 皮卡小窩 15 日落沼澤 05.09.2018
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
10. 愿你的人生璀璨如歌 14 銀翼要塞 18.11.2022
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
11. 迷失星辰 13 日落沼澤 01.04.2020
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
12. 歪掉了怎麼辦 13 聖光之願 11.06.2020
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
13. 不辣可陷阱 11 屠魔山谷 27.08.2020
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
14. 夢幻 10 水晶之刺 16.10.2015
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
15. 第三幼兒園 10 憤怒使者 09.05.2020
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
16. Pretender 10 天空之牆 16.11.2007
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
17. 宇崎學妹想要玩 10 日落沼澤 05.10.2020
  4 Boss kills** where a total of 12 members of the guild have participated*
18. 碧海蒼靈九重天 9 日落沼澤 27.04.2021
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
19. BE POSITIVE 9 日落沼澤 14.03.2021
  4 Boss kills** where a total of 11 members of the guild have participated*
20. 風月 9 銀翼要塞 03.03.2010
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
21. 部落魔法使 9 銀翼要塞 18.10.2020
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
22. 輝煌憶夢 9 日落沼澤 06.03.2018
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
23. 我是如來佛祖玉皇大帝觀音菩薩指定取西經特派使者 8 天空之牆 23.11.2020
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
24. 熊熊之族 8 銀翼要塞 01.04.2013
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
25. Faded 7 水晶之刺 22.04.2018
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
26. 林檎喵小築 7 日落沼澤 18.09.2018
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
27. 惡魔城 7 水晶之刺 05.03.2013
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
28. 飛羊的魔法屋 6 銀翼要塞 26.04.2021
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
29. Yamaha 6 屠魔山谷 25.07.2017
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
30. 光明使者 6 銀翼要塞 23.03.2016
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
4.  克羅之刃
全球 / 一般
All active
Horde characters
Alliance All active characters
0 0 0

克羅之刃 Horde guilds based on active members
  Guild Active members Founded
1. guminchuan 0 18.05.2023
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
2. 哔哩哔哩 0 24.11.2022
  55 Boss kills** where a total of 110 members of the guild have participated*
3. 庇护之地 0 11.08.2023
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
4. 休闲玩家工会 0 03.05.2023
  91 Boss kills** where a total of 182 members of the guild have participated*
5. 遊子 0 19.01.2023
  57 Boss kills** where a total of 114 members of the guild have participated*
6. 新的旅程 0 02.01.2023
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
7. feeling 0 25.11.2022
  11 Boss kills** where a total of 22 members of the guild have participated*
8. 榮 耀 部 落 0 05.02.2023
  64 Boss kills** where a total of 128 members of the guild have participated*
9. 部落远征军团 0 26.04.2023
  21 Boss kills** where a total of 42 members of the guild have participated*
10. 提起菜刀砍电线 一路火花带闪电 0 20.05.2023
  38 Boss kills** where a total of 76 members of the guild have participated*
11. 龍丶魂 0 24.11.2022
  132 Boss kills** where a total of 264 members of the guild have participated*
12. 石头剪刀布 0 07.11.2023
  11 Boss kills** where a total of 22 members of the guild have participated*
13. 春田花花幼儿园 0 10.12.2023
  17 Boss kills** where a total of 34 members of the guild have participated*
14. 快乐水果摊 0 16.07.2023
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
15. 为万世开太平 0 01.09.2023
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
16. 天涯海阁 0 23.11.2023
  48 Boss kills** where a total of 96 members of the guild have participated*
17. 荣耀终将属于部落 0 20.05.2023
  13 Boss kills** where a total of 26 members of the guild have participated*
18. 星光第一部落休闲公会 0 19.09.2023
  436 Boss kills** where a total of 880 members of the guild have participated*
19. 核能气质少年 0 02.03.2023
  10 Boss kills** where a total of 20 members of the guild have participated*
20. 你背后的女人 0 24.09.2023
  110 Boss kills** where a total of 220 members of the guild have participated*
21. 本公会丨免费公修丨裝备提升丨幻化丨等级丨一条龙丨 0 20.06.2023
  182 Boss kills** where a total of 368 members of the guild have participated*
22. 戦魂部落遠征軍 0 24.02.2023
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
23. 涅磐炼狱 0 10.12.2023
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
24. 岁月荏苒 0 22.01.2023
  85 Boss kills** where a total of 170 members of the guild have participated*
25. 銀白騎士遠征軍 0 01.12.2022
  35 Boss kills** where a total of 70 members of the guild have participated*
26. 诗意天诚 0 24.11.2022
  153 Boss kills** where a total of 340 members of the guild have participated*
27. 朗月清风 0 27.02.2023
  74 Boss kills** where a total of 148 members of the guild have participated*
28. 无形帝国 0 16.06.2023
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
29. 一个有公休和公修的公会 0 02.06.2023
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
30. Unmatched in the world 0 21.11.2023
  42 Boss kills** where a total of 84 members of the guild have participated*
5.  老馬布蘭契
全球 / 一般
All active
Horde characters
Alliance All active characters
0 0 0

老馬布蘭契 Horde guilds based on active members
  Guild Active members Founded
1. Pepsi Cola 0 12.02.2024
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
2. 仙 宫 0 28.06.2023
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*


Most populated server for EU is Silvermoon with 1 characters, for alliance most populated is with 0 characters and for horde with 0 characters.
Most populated server for US is Ragnaros with 27 498 characters, for alliance most populated is with 0 characters and for horde with 0 characters.
Most populated server for Korea is 줄진 with 0 characters, for alliance most populated is with 0 characters and for horde with 0 characters.
Most populated server for Taiwan is 老馬布蘭契 with 0 characters, for alliance most populated is with 0 characters and for horde with 0 characters.

Population is calculated based on actively playing characters, instead of total number of characters found on server.

Wow Realm Population is for players who are looking for most active and populated Alliance or Horde realm and guild.

- Active character: Character has logged in within 30 days.
- All data is gathered from API usign guilds and characters info.
- Characters under level 10 are not counted.
- EU and USA frontpage recommendations emphasizes english speaking realms, for specific language realms check the realms lists.

*Guilds Participation
Total number of characters from the same guild were present (2 or more) in raid or dungeon each time the boss dies.

**Guilds Boss Kills
Number of bosses killed in raids or dungeons when 2 or more from the same guild where present.

These numbers are to distinguish guilds that have members who participate together in raids and dungeons more often that other guilds.

WowRealmPopulation statistics
EU characters in database: 699 678 of which 1 is currently considered being active within 2 week period.
EU guilds in database: 3 342 that have at least 10 members that are considered active within 2 week period.

US characters in database: 745 703 of which 0 is currently considered being active within 2 week period.
US guilds in database: 10 273 that have at least 10 members that are considered active within 2 week period.

Korean characters in database: 1 396 323 of which 0 is currently considered being active within 2 week period.
Korean guilds in database: 311 that have at least 5 members that are considered active within 2 week period.

Taiwanese characters in database: 2 067 406 of which 0 is currently considered being active within 2 week period.
Taiwanese guilds in database: 219 that have at least 5 members that are considered active within 2 week period.

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