World of Warcraft
Realm Population
Most populated European  Alliance and  Horde Realms
Most populated Korean  Alliance and  Horde Realms
Most populated USA  Alliance and  Horde Realms
Most populated Taiwanese  Alliance and  Horde Realms

Taiwanese most populated Alliance realms

Last updated 14.01.2025
1.  暗影之月
台灣 / 一般
Realms active characters 0
Active alliance characters 0
Active Horde characters 0
台灣 / 一般
Realms active characters 0
Active alliance characters 0
Active Horde characters 0
台灣 / 一般
Realms active characters 0
Active alliance characters 0
Active Horde characters 0
台灣 / 一般
Realms active characters 0
Active alliance characters 0
Active Horde characters 0
台灣 / 一般
Realms active characters 0
Active alliance characters 0
Active Horde characters 0
台灣 / 一般
Realms active characters 0
Active alliance characters 0
Active Horde characters 0
台灣 / 一般
Realms active characters 0
Active alliance characters 0
Active Horde characters 0
台灣 / 一般
Realms active characters 0
Active alliance characters 0
Active Horde characters 0
台灣 / 一般
Realms active characters 0
Active alliance characters 0
Active Horde characters 0
*All active
Alliance characters
*Horde *All active characters
0 0 0
* All connected realms numbers combined

Alliance guilds based on active members
  Guild Active members Realm Founded
1. 仙王巔峰究極仙法萬界破虛烈風逍遙滄瀾風雲 137 暗影之月 26.04.2018
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
2. 魔王 39 眾星之子 08.12.2022
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
3. INGIRL STINN 30 暗影之月 27.04.2018
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
4. 神奇動物園 23 眾星之子 19.08.2021
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
5. 逮蝦戶 23 尖石 12.01.2021
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
6. order dishes 22 暗影之月 29.01.2023
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
7. Mei 22 暗影之月 12.04.2020
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
8. 鬼屋 20 狂熱之刃 19.04.2022
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
9. 吹雪組 20 寒冰皇冠 15.07.2021
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
10. 好家伙 18 語風 31.01.2023
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
11. 熾天聯盟總部 17 地獄吼 04.06.2022
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
12. 四 鏡 天 15 暗影之月 28.02.2023
  136 Boss kills** where a total of 346 members of the guild have participated*
13. 無旗兄弟會暗影之境分部 15 暗影之月 24.03.2021
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
14. 晴時多雲偶陣雨 14 語風 06.07.2016
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
15. 征龍之途 14 暗影之月 14.07.2013
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
16. 香香女王專屬男奴會所 13 暗影之月 10.07.2023
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
17. 煙 雨 13 語風 10.03.2023
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
18. 唐人街 13 暗影之月 21.01.2023
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
19. 你這個傢伙 就是大意 13 阿薩斯 10.11.2013
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
20. 美麗新世界 13 冰風崗哨 20.02.2022
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
21. Karakuri Circus 13 阿薩斯 21.02.2021
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
22. 飛天盟 13 語風 22.02.2016
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
23. 小橋流水清風 13 眾星之子 24.08.2019
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
24. Choya 13 眾星之子 19.06.2020
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
25. 超時空要塞 13 暗影之月 16.03.2013
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
26. 閃耀永恆誓盟 12 暗影之月 24.05.2013
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
27. Angels Come 11 眾星之子 18.02.2022
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
28. 歲月靜好 11 語風 10.03.2021
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
29. 為了聯萌 11 阿薩斯 01.07.2019
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
30. 繁星點綴 11 暗影之月 30.03.2020
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
2.  雷鱗
台灣 / 一般
Realms active characters 0
Active alliance characters 0
Active Horde characters 0
台灣 / 一般
Realms active characters 0
Active alliance characters 0
Active Horde characters 0
台灣 / 一般
Realms active characters 0
Active alliance characters 0
Active Horde characters 0
台灣 / 一般
Realms active characters 0
Active alliance characters 0
Active Horde characters 0
台灣 / 一般
Realms active characters 0
Active alliance characters 0
Active Horde characters 0
台灣 / 一般
Realms active characters 0
Active alliance characters 0
Active Horde characters 0
台灣 / 一般
Realms active characters 0
Active alliance characters 0
Active Horde characters 0
台灣 / 一般
Realms active characters 0
Active alliance characters 0
Active Horde characters 0
台灣 / 一般
Realms active characters 0
Active alliance characters 0
Active Horde characters 0
*All active
Alliance characters
*Horde *All active characters
0 0 0
* All connected realms numbers combined

Alliance guilds based on active members
  Guild Active members Realm Founded
1. Love and Peace 53 世界之樹 29.04.2010
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
2. 丷下雨天丷 20 世界之樹 18.02.2023
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
3. 我的女王不可能那麼萌 18 巨龍之喉 01.02.2023
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
4. 三塊給你買麻糬 17 世界之樹 02.02.2023
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
5. Mangosteen aka MB 15 世界之樹 16.02.2022
  59 Boss kills** where a total of 140 members of the guild have participated*
6. 雷域 14 世界之樹 10.03.2023
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
7. 毛小孩俱樂部 14 亞雷戈斯 08.01.2016
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
8. 拯救喬安好累 14 雷鱗 24.04.2021
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
9. 元氣小酒館聯盟分館 13 冰霜之刺 06.02.2023
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
10. Space 13 亞雷戈斯 18.12.2011
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
11. 没头脑和很高兴分部 12 世界之樹 08.03.2023
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
12. 黑翼之巢 12 世界之樹 22.11.2007
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
13. 群英會 11 冰霜之刺 12.01.2008
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
14. 喔寒吉勒挖寒吉 11 世界之樹 23.09.2020
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
15. 天使遇到愛 9 米奈希爾 09.06.2014
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
16. Xiqu Centre 9 世界之樹 12.09.2015
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
17. 休閒啦哪次不休閒 9 雷鱗 12.12.2020
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
18. Danny Direwolf 8 米奈希爾 05.10.2017
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
19. 爆氣爆到蒸發 5 亞雷戈斯 20.06.2021
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
20. 秘密後花園 5 世界之樹 26.04.2020
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
21. 再機機歪歪我就扁你 5 米奈希爾 09.12.2010
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
22. 隨遇而安 4 雲蛟衛 21.10.2019
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
23. 帶你跑屍體 就是我的浪漫 4 巨龍之喉 10.09.2019
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
24. 小兵工會 4 血之谷 23.04.2007
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
25. Everlasting Night 3 雲蛟衛 02.11.2020
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
26. 梧桐湾 3 世界之樹 14.10.2020
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
27. 水心物語 3 世界之樹 23.05.2020
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
28. 剩下的回憶只是一場空 2 世界之樹 15.01.2021
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
29. 風中殘燭一生孤獨 2 世界之樹 01.02.2021
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
30. 骷髏黨 2 世界之樹 15.05.2010
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
3.  日落沼澤
台灣 / 一般
Realms active characters 0
Active alliance characters 0
Active Horde characters 0
台灣 / 一般
Realms active characters 0
Active alliance characters 0
Active Horde characters 0
台灣 / 一般
Realms active characters 0
Active alliance characters 0
Active Horde characters 0
台灣 / 一般
Realms active characters 0
Active alliance characters 0
Active Horde characters 0
台灣 / 一般
Realms active characters 0
Active alliance characters 0
Active Horde characters 0
台灣 / 一般
Realms active characters 0
Active alliance characters 0
Active Horde characters 0
台灣 / 一般
Realms active characters 0
Active alliance characters 0
Active Horde characters 0
*All active
Alliance characters
*Horde *All active characters
0 0 0
* All connected realms numbers combined

Alliance guilds based on active members
  Guild Active members Realm Founded
1. 江山如畫 17 聖光之願 08.08.2015
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
2. 布萊梅貓影 14 日落沼澤 12.04.2014
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
3. 血色聯盟 14 聖光之願 16.03.2010
  3 Boss kills** where a total of 6 members of the guild have participated*
4. RoundBell 10 天空之牆 28.07.2013
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
5. Once Upon a Time 9 聖光之願 07.06.2022
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
6. 華炫風 9 聖光之願 30.04.2020
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
7. 大家來找茶 9 天空之牆 16.11.2007
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
8. 玩具工坊 8 聖光之願 03.10.2023
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
9. Afreeca 8 天空之牆 23.10.2018
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
10. 生活智慧王 8 聖光之願 19.12.2008
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
11. 觀察者 7 憤怒使者 26.08.2009
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
12. 龍王神座 7 水晶之刺 12.09.2020
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
13. 小氣喵喵的私人會所 7 天空之牆 08.01.2014
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
14. 夢 魘 6 屠魔山谷 25.04.2010
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
15. 夜夢語 6 聖光之願 19.02.2017
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
16. 雲與山的彼端 6 天空之牆 08.10.2019
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
17. 奧索斯伯國 6 日落沼澤 07.10.2020
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
18. 元氣貴族 6 聖光之願 17.10.2020
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
19. Perambulator 5 銀翼要塞 13.10.2010
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
20. 微醺小棧 5 日落沼澤 21.04.2014
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
21. 哈尼愛寶寶 5 天空之牆 03.11.2016
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
22. 盛世星辰 5 天空之牆 24.10.2020
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
23. 雞優股 5 屠魔山谷 21.07.2008
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
24. 直播放個奶 乾爹破三百 5 聖光之願 25.10.2020
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
25. 隨緣 5 屠魔山谷 07.03.2012
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
26. 永恆星語 5 屠魔山谷 11.08.2020
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
27. RM 4 聖光之願 28.02.2014
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
28. Rich and Poor 4 水晶之刺 30.11.2007
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
29. Whispering Gardens 4 聖光之願 25.06.2008
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
30. 庫洛魔法使 4 天空之牆 26.10.2011
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
4.  克羅之刃
全球 / 一般
All active
Alliance characters
Horde All active characters
0 0 0

克羅之刃 Alliance guilds based on active members
  Guild Active members Founded
1. 最後的戰役 0 06.05.2023
  27 Boss kills** where a total of 54 members of the guild have participated*
2. 首杀团队躺过 0 01.09.2023
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
3. 今晚几点开打 0 04.04.2023
  98 Boss kills** where a total of 196 members of the guild have participated*
4. 刀鋒山下滿江紅 0 10.01.2023
  63 Boss kills** where a total of 126 members of the guild have participated*
5. 丨工会公修丨裝备提升丨欢声笑语丨 0 20.06.2023
  67 Boss kills** where a total of 134 members of the guild have participated*
6. 为了联盟丶嗷 0 01.03.2024
  95 Boss kills** where a total of 190 members of the guild have participated*
7. 醉星河 0 21.06.2023
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
8. 艾澤拉斯國家地理 0 25.11.2022
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
9. 燃灬情 0 14.03.2024
  69 Boss kills** where a total of 138 members of the guild have participated*
10. 联盟经营集中营 0 20.05.2023
  210 Boss kills** where a total of 476 members of the guild have participated*
11. 北葵向暖 0 27.09.2023
  101 Boss kills** where a total of 202 members of the guild have participated*
12. 往事随风 0 05.04.2023
  376 Boss kills** where a total of 776 members of the guild have participated*
13. 鱼摆摆 0 18.01.2023
  34 Boss kills** where a total of 68 members of the guild have participated*
14. 星光第一联盟休闲公会 0 19.09.2023
  191 Boss kills** where a total of 388 members of the guild have participated*
15. 幸福的回到国服 0 31.12.2023
  23 Boss kills** where a total of 46 members of the guild have participated*
16. 纳格兰的夕阳 0 20.05.2023
  59 Boss kills** where a total of 118 members of the guild have participated*
17. Delusion 0 07.03.2024
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
18. 细数往事醉心扉 午夜梦回在流年 0 07.12.2023
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
19. 超级可爱的萌萌哒水果天团 0 10.09.2023
  111 Boss kills** where a total of 222 members of the guild have participated*
20. 新手回归免费教学 团本大秘贼实惠 0 14.03.2024
  18 Boss kills** where a total of 36 members of the guild have participated*
21. 回忆里的那个人 0 20.05.2023
  9 Boss kills** where a total of 18 members of the guild have participated*
22. 风指引你的道路 0 20.05.2023
  5 Boss kills** where a total of 10 members of the guild have participated*
23. 沉 鱼 0 24.11.2022
  125 Boss kills** where a total of 302 members of the guild have participated*
24. 巨 龍 之 光 0 26.04.2023
  59 Boss kills** where a total of 118 members of the guild have participated*
25. 星光丶不負趕路人 0 06.08.2023
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
26. 暴 风 城 勇 士 0 01.02.2023
  50 Boss kills** where a total of 100 members of the guild have participated*
27. QwQ 0 18.01.2023
  91 Boss kills** where a total of 182 members of the guild have participated*
28. 萌新乐园 新手回归免费教学 团本实惠 0 14.03.2024
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
29. 瑞文戴尔 0 24.01.2023
  98 Boss kills** where a total of 196 members of the guild have participated*
30. 逐梦 0 28.09.2023
  162 Boss kills** where a total of 326 members of the guild have participated*
5.  老馬布蘭契
全球 / 一般
All active
Alliance characters
Horde All active characters
0 0 0

老馬布蘭契 Alliance guilds based on active members
  Guild Active members Founded
1. 自从加入此工会丨裝备提升也快了丨练级也轻松了丨 0 20.06.2023
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
2. 功成名就 0 03.03.2023
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
3. 新龍门客栈 0 07.12.2023
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*


Most populated server for EU is Silvermoon with 1 characters, for alliance most populated is with 0 characters and for horde with 0 characters.
Most populated server for US is Ragnaros with 27 498 characters, for alliance most populated is with 0 characters and for horde with 0 characters.
Most populated server for Korea is 줄진 with 0 characters, for alliance most populated is with 0 characters and for horde with 0 characters.
Most populated server for Taiwan is 老馬布蘭契 with 0 characters, for alliance most populated is with 0 characters and for horde with 0 characters.

Population is calculated based on actively playing characters, instead of total number of characters found on server.

Wow Realm Population is for players who are looking for most active and populated Alliance or Horde realm and guild.

- Active character: Character has logged in within 30 days.
- All data is gathered from API usign guilds and characters info.
- Characters under level 10 are not counted.
- EU and USA frontpage recommendations emphasizes english speaking realms, for specific language realms check the realms lists.

*Guilds Participation
Total number of characters from the same guild were present (2 or more) in raid or dungeon each time the boss dies.

**Guilds Boss Kills
Number of bosses killed in raids or dungeons when 2 or more from the same guild where present.

These numbers are to distinguish guilds that have members who participate together in raids and dungeons more often that other guilds.

WowRealmPopulation statistics
EU characters in database: 699 678 of which 1 is currently considered being active within 2 week period.
EU guilds in database: 3 342 that have at least 10 members that are considered active within 2 week period.

US characters in database: 745 703 of which 0 is currently considered being active within 2 week period.
US guilds in database: 10 273 that have at least 10 members that are considered active within 2 week period.

Korean characters in database: 1 396 323 of which 0 is currently considered being active within 2 week period.
Korean guilds in database: 311 that have at least 5 members that are considered active within 2 week period.

Taiwanese characters in database: 2 067 406 of which 0 is currently considered being active within 2 week period.
Taiwanese guilds in database: 219 that have at least 5 members that are considered active within 2 week period.

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