World of Warcraft
Realm Population
Most populated European  Alliance and  Horde Realms
Most populated Korean  Alliance and  Horde Realms
Most populated USA  Alliance and  Horde Realms
Most populated Taiwanese  Alliance and  Horde Realms

Taiwanese most populated Alliance realms

Last updated 19.09.2024
1.  暗影之月
台灣 / 一般
Realms active characters 14 414
Active alliance characters 11 652
Active Horde characters 2 762
台灣 / 一般
Realms active characters 6 678
Active alliance characters 5 425
Active Horde characters 1 253
台灣 / 一般
Realms active characters 5 871
Active alliance characters 4 346
Active Horde characters 1 525
台灣 / 一般
Realms active characters 9 180
Active alliance characters 3 889
Active Horde characters 5 291
台灣 / 一般
Realms active characters 5 068
Active alliance characters 1 728
Active Horde characters 3 340
台灣 / 一般
Realms active characters 4 626
Active alliance characters 1 695
Active Horde characters 2 931
台灣 / 一般
Realms active characters 5 192
Active alliance characters 1 412
Active Horde characters 3 780
台灣 / 一般
Realms active characters 3 839
Active alliance characters 1 274
Active Horde characters 2 565
台灣 / 一般
Realms active characters 0
Active alliance characters 0
Active Horde characters 0
*All active
Alliance characters
*Horde *All active characters
31 421 23 447 54 868
* All connected realms numbers combined

Alliance guilds based on active members
  Guild Active members Realm Founded
1. 魔幻琉璃 530 暗影之月 25.07.2008
  1231 Boss kills** where a total of 3376 members of the guild have participated*
2. 騎士娛樂團 522 暗影之月 03.07.2023
  1436 Boss kills** where a total of 4753 members of the guild have participated*
3. 奧米利斯草莓園 500 暗影之月 13.12.2007
  980 Boss kills** where a total of 3694 members of the guild have participated*
4. 瓶子裏的海 473 眾星之子 23.07.2010
  1238 Boss kills** where a total of 3625 members of the guild have participated*
5. 台灣 426 狂熱之刃 22.08.2010
  729 Boss kills** where a total of 2168 members of the guild have participated*
6. 人間迷走 329 語風 29.09.2020
  643 Boss kills** where a total of 2708 members of the guild have participated*
7. Fortune 321 暗影之月 07.01.2012
  780 Boss kills** where a total of 5359 members of the guild have participated*
8. 春田豬式會射 282 暗影之月 08.08.2019
  360 Boss kills** where a total of 1382 members of the guild have participated*
9. 永無止境的圓周率 268 語風 07.08.2018
  363 Boss kills** where a total of 1531 members of the guild have participated*
10. 守護公主殿下騎士團 263 狂熱之刃 01.06.2015
  569 Boss kills** where a total of 1687 members of the guild have participated*
11. 霍爾的移動城堡 258 語風 27.10.2020
  514 Boss kills** where a total of 1693 members of the guild have participated*
12. 曼珠沙華 253 尖石 14.07.2010
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
13. Psychology 240 眾星之子 17.10.2014
  391 Boss kills** where a total of 1819 members of the guild have participated*
14. 夜貓俱樂部 234 地獄吼 01.12.2022
  643 Boss kills** where a total of 1889 members of the guild have participated*
15. 失落的國度 233 暗影之月 28.10.2008
  433 Boss kills** where a total of 1138 members of the guild have participated*
16. 星辰小酒館 228 語風 02.02.2018
  836 Boss kills** where a total of 2226 members of the guild have participated*
17. Wrath of Tyrants 224 暗影之月 13.06.2017
  479 Boss kills** where a total of 2457 members of the guild have participated*
18. 有臥底終止交易 219 暗影之月 21.06.2022
  271 Boss kills** where a total of 920 members of the guild have participated*
19. Circle of Eight 218 語風 29.12.2016
  447 Boss kills** where a total of 1917 members of the guild have participated*
20. 琉璃心 214 尖石 27.10.2009
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
21. Demons Souls 212 暗影之月 06.12.2010
  290 Boss kills** where a total of 950 members of the guild have participated*
22. 流離尋岸的花 196 暗影之月 03.07.2011
  223 Boss kills** where a total of 822 members of the guild have participated*
23. 虛光 195 暗影之月 19.08.2018
  172 Boss kills** where a total of 514 members of the guild have participated*
24. 迦樓羅王 193 語風 17.02.2006
  216 Boss kills** where a total of 1102 members of the guild have participated*
25. 鳳凰城基金會 186 狂熱之刃 07.01.2006
  199 Boss kills** where a total of 740 members of the guild have participated*
26. 零的領域 182 狂熱之刃 07.11.2007
  255 Boss kills** where a total of 1487 members of the guild have participated*
27. 奇異果果粒茶室 181 語風 14.06.2020
  218 Boss kills** where a total of 1297 members of the guild have participated*
28. 夢境 181 眾星之子 17.07.2016
  112 Boss kills** where a total of 294 members of the guild have participated*
29. Wizzard Alliance 176 暗影之月 01.01.2018
  350 Boss kills** where a total of 862 members of the guild have participated*
30. 原罪 175 尖石 26.12.2008
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
2.  世界之樹
台灣 / 一般
Realms active characters 5 008
Active alliance characters 3 150
Active Horde characters 1 858
台灣 / 一般
Realms active characters 5 780
Active alliance characters 3 112
Active Horde characters 2 668
台灣 / 一般
Realms active characters 5 051
Active alliance characters 1 736
Active Horde characters 3 315
台灣 / 一般
Realms active characters 4 910
Active alliance characters 1 443
Active Horde characters 3 467
台灣 / 一般
Realms active characters 4 035
Active alliance characters 1 359
Active Horde characters 2 676
台灣 / 一般
Realms active characters 3 592
Active alliance characters 1 178
Active Horde characters 2 414
台灣 / 一般
Realms active characters 3 979
Active alliance characters 1 038
Active Horde characters 2 941
台灣 / 一般
Realms active characters 850
Active alliance characters 444
Active Horde characters 406
台灣 / 一般
Realms active characters 0
Active alliance characters 0
Active Horde characters 0
*All active
Alliance characters
*Horde *All active characters
13 460 19 745 33 205
* All connected realms numbers combined

Alliance guilds based on active members
  Guild Active members Realm Founded
1. SnowElysium 310 亞雷戈斯 02.11.2013
  378 Boss kills** where a total of 3651 members of the guild have participated*
2. 和氣生財 308 亞雷戈斯 05.07.2010
  412 Boss kills** where a total of 1312 members of the guild have participated*
3. 可愛即是正義 293 巨龍之喉 27.02.2009
  739 Boss kills** where a total of 1844 members of the guild have participated*
4. 休閒團 291 亞雷戈斯 13.06.2009
  482 Boss kills** where a total of 1814 members of the guild have participated*
5. Afterlife 289 世界之樹 10.07.2010
  688 Boss kills** where a total of 3007 members of the guild have participated*
6. Nature Bloody 278 巨龍之喉 30.06.2011
  127 Boss kills** where a total of 334 members of the guild have participated*
7. 聖殿 龍狼 251 亞雷戈斯 06.06.2006
  768 Boss kills** where a total of 2019 members of the guild have participated*
8. 雪塢 234 亞雷戈斯 12.10.2010
  445 Boss kills** where a total of 1446 members of the guild have participated*
9. Rise Against 228 冰霜之刺 21.04.2009
  462 Boss kills** where a total of 1726 members of the guild have participated*
10. Pioneer 227 冰霜之刺 09.03.2009
  390 Boss kills** where a total of 3212 members of the guild have participated*
11. 月刃 222 亞雷戈斯 27.11.2005
  206 Boss kills** where a total of 1634 members of the guild have participated*
12. Wings of Liberty 160 世界之樹 27.09.2010
  209 Boss kills** where a total of 540 members of the guild have participated*
13. 行走在黑暗中的人們的宴會 158 亞雷戈斯 23.09.2020
  130 Boss kills** where a total of 708 members of the guild have participated*
14. 魔豆銀鹿 155 亞雷戈斯 31.08.2013
  143 Boss kills** where a total of 412 members of the guild have participated*
15. 夢奇地 154 亞雷戈斯 27.07.2008
  95 Boss kills** where a total of 228 members of the guild have participated*
16. 聖托利亞學院 143 亞雷戈斯 17.03.2013
  318 Boss kills** where a total of 774 members of the guild have participated*
17. 浮生偷閑 142 亞雷戈斯 10.11.2009
  266 Boss kills** where a total of 797 members of the guild have participated*
18. 王爺廟 134 亞雷戈斯 04.11.2016
  187 Boss kills** where a total of 472 members of the guild have participated*
19. Starry Night 133 世界之樹 05.04.2018
  140 Boss kills** where a total of 464 members of the guild have participated*
20. 火鍋幫 132 血之谷 04.08.2011
  122 Boss kills** where a total of 426 members of the guild have participated*
21. 天空 122 世界之樹 27.08.2009
  65 Boss kills** where a total of 192 members of the guild have participated*
22. 便利盟 118 雷鱗 01.11.2019
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
23. 異鄉人 111 世界之樹 07.05.2021
  344 Boss kills** where a total of 1142 members of the guild have participated*
24. 黑心商會 109 冰霜之刺 26.01.2020
  197 Boss kills** where a total of 538 members of the guild have participated*
25. 體驗帳號 103 米奈希爾 10.07.2018
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
26. 悠閒小居 100 冰霜之刺 07.04.2008
  162 Boss kills** where a total of 490 members of the guild have participated*
27. 平行世界 99 世界之樹 19.10.2013
  111 Boss kills** where a total of 1260 members of the guild have participated*
28. 愛貓園 97 米奈希爾 14.10.2012
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
29. Good Luck 93 夜空之歌 05.10.2005
  86 Boss kills** where a total of 238 members of the guild have participated*
30. 整人專家株式會社 91 冰霜之刺 12.09.2006
  106 Boss kills** where a total of 270 members of the guild have participated*
3.  聖光之願
台灣 / 一般
Realms active characters 7 578
Active alliance characters 5 832
Active Horde characters 1 746
台灣 / 一般
Realms active characters 5 333
Active alliance characters 2 238
Active Horde characters 3 095
台灣 / 一般
Realms active characters 7 104
Active alliance characters 1 493
Active Horde characters 5 611
台灣 / 一般
Realms active characters 0
Active alliance characters 0
Active Horde characters 0
台灣 / 一般
Realms active characters 0
Active alliance characters 0
Active Horde characters 0
台灣 / 一般
Realms active characters 0
Active alliance characters 0
Active Horde characters 0
台灣 / 一般
Realms active characters 0
Active alliance characters 0
Active Horde characters 0
*All active
Alliance characters
*Horde *All active characters
9 563 10 452 20 015
* All connected realms numbers combined

Alliance guilds based on active members
  Guild Active members Realm Founded
1. 合縱連橫 575 聖光之願 04.11.2020
  2611 Boss kills** where a total of 7866 members of the guild have participated*
2. 都是好人 401 日落沼澤 20.12.2020
  2087 Boss kills** where a total of 5161 members of the guild have participated*
3. 真是個毛會 256 聖光之願 19.06.2020
  433 Boss kills** where a total of 1703 members of the guild have participated*
4. Bad Weather 195 聖光之願 03.04.2010
  570 Boss kills** where a total of 2031 members of the guild have participated*
5. 湯勺之家 139 聖光之願 15.03.2012
  766 Boss kills** where a total of 3655 members of the guild have participated*
6. 微笑橘子 133 聖光之願 05.10.2005
  293 Boss kills** where a total of 744 members of the guild have participated*
7. 暴風城部隊 132 日落沼澤 05.07.2016
  1715 Boss kills** where a total of 4423 members of the guild have participated*
8. POSEIDON 125 銀翼要塞 20.08.2018
  1022 Boss kills** where a total of 3510 members of the guild have participated*
9. Food Panda 116 銀翼要塞 19.07.2020
  552 Boss kills** where a total of 1516 members of the guild have participated*
10. 天空殿 116 聖光之願 09.05.2011
  92 Boss kills** where a total of 192 members of the guild have participated*
11. 迷蹤 114 天空之牆 21.06.2008
  453 Boss kills** where a total of 1232 members of the guild have participated*
12. The Forgotten 113 聖光之願 26.01.2008
  195 Boss kills** where a total of 602 members of the guild have participated*
13. Saint Seraphim 97 屠魔山谷 07.06.2007
  435 Boss kills** where a total of 1215 members of the guild have participated*
14. 假日公會 94 聖光之願 23.08.2008
  134 Boss kills** where a total of 342 members of the guild have participated*
15. ALOHA 89 天空之牆 07.10.2023
  576 Boss kills** where a total of 2303 members of the guild have participated*
16. 讓我們一起長大吧 86 憤怒使者 30.08.2009
  73 Boss kills** where a total of 238 members of the guild have participated*
17. Ferocious Tornado 84 日落沼澤 29.07.2007
  888 Boss kills** where a total of 3131 members of the guild have participated*
18. 十字軍的眼淚 84 水晶之刺 13.08.2009
  206 Boss kills** where a total of 614 members of the guild have participated*
19. 與我一戰 81 水晶之刺 26.02.2020
  127 Boss kills** where a total of 295 members of the guild have participated*
20. 冰雪楓情 75 聖光之願 26.06.2009
  70 Boss kills** where a total of 142 members of the guild have participated*
21. 給我上歐洲 75 天空之牆 26.08.2018
  577 Boss kills** where a total of 1700 members of the guild have participated*
22. 醉惡王冠 74 天空之牆 03.08.2024
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
23. 雙城 74 聖光之願 02.09.2010
  20 Boss kills** where a total of 40 members of the guild have participated*
24. 夢想之旅 74 聖光之願 03.09.2009
  202 Boss kills** where a total of 410 members of the guild have participated*
25. 旅人咖啡館 71 聖光之願 09.05.2006
  146 Boss kills** where a total of 292 members of the guild have participated*
26. 墜星海 69 聖光之願 06.11.2010
  104 Boss kills** where a total of 214 members of the guild have participated*
27. 進擊的老馬濕 67 聖光之願 24.08.2013
  165 Boss kills** where a total of 370 members of the guild have participated*
28. 一泰瑞斯特一 66 天空之牆 13.11.2016
  640 Boss kills** where a total of 2775 members of the guild have participated*
29. 時光旅人 64 天空之牆 08.05.2021
  299 Boss kills** where a total of 738 members of the guild have participated*
30. Eternal Darkness 63 聖光之願 19.10.2005
  44 Boss kills** where a total of 104 members of the guild have participated*
4.  克羅之刃
全球 / 一般
All active
Alliance characters
Horde All active characters
458 383 841

克羅之刃 Alliance guilds based on active members
  Guild Active members Founded
1. 往事随风 38 05.04.2023
  376 Boss kills** where a total of 776 members of the guild have participated*
2. 联盟经营集中营 35 20.05.2023
  210 Boss kills** where a total of 476 members of the guild have participated*
3. 瑞文戴尔 31 24.01.2023
  98 Boss kills** where a total of 196 members of the guild have participated*
4. 星光第一联盟休闲公会 28 19.09.2023
  191 Boss kills** where a total of 388 members of the guild have participated*
5. 逐梦 24 28.09.2023
  162 Boss kills** where a total of 326 members of the guild have participated*
6. 龙腾四海 20 23.01.2023
  121 Boss kills** where a total of 242 members of the guild have participated*
7. QwQ 19 18.01.2023
  91 Boss kills** where a total of 182 members of the guild have participated*
8. 坏蛋联盟 17 06.12.2022
  278 Boss kills** where a total of 582 members of the guild have participated*
9. 丨工会公修丨裝备提升丨欢声笑语丨 16 20.06.2023
  67 Boss kills** where a total of 134 members of the guild have participated*
10. 沉 鱼 14 24.11.2022
  125 Boss kills** where a total of 302 members of the guild have participated*
11. 北葵向暖 12 27.09.2023
  101 Boss kills** where a total of 202 members of the guild have participated*
12. 时间就是金钱我的朋友 12 17.06.2023
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
13. 超级可爱的萌萌哒水果天团 11 10.09.2023
  111 Boss kills** where a total of 222 members of the guild have participated*
14. 鱼摆摆 10 18.01.2023
  34 Boss kills** where a total of 68 members of the guild have participated*
15. 丨公会福利丨经验加成丨公会修理丨帅哥美女丨嗨起来 10 19.05.2023
  127 Boss kills** where a total of 254 members of the guild have participated*
16. 刀鋒山下滿江紅 9 10.01.2023
  63 Boss kills** where a total of 126 members of the guild have participated*
17. 木槿暖夏 9 24.11.2022
  72 Boss kills** where a total of 144 members of the guild have participated*
18. 暴 风 城 勇 士 7 01.02.2023
  50 Boss kills** where a total of 100 members of the guild have participated*
19. 時光丶不負有心人 7 06.08.2023
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
20. 幸福的回到国服 5 31.12.2023
  23 Boss kills** where a total of 46 members of the guild have participated*
21. 新手回归免费教学 团本大秘贼实惠 5 14.03.2024
  18 Boss kills** where a total of 36 members of the guild have participated*
22. 巨 龍 之 光 5 26.04.2023
  59 Boss kills** where a total of 118 members of the guild have participated*
23. 最後的戰役 3 06.05.2023
  27 Boss kills** where a total of 54 members of the guild have participated*
24. 燃灬情 3 14.03.2024
  69 Boss kills** where a total of 138 members of the guild have participated*
25. 回忆里的那个人 3 20.05.2023
  9 Boss kills** where a total of 18 members of the guild have participated*
26. 风指引你的道路 3 20.05.2023
  5 Boss kills** where a total of 10 members of the guild have participated*
27. 为了联盟丶嗷 2 01.03.2024
  95 Boss kills** where a total of 190 members of the guild have participated*
28. 纳格兰的夕阳 2 20.05.2023
  59 Boss kills** where a total of 118 members of the guild have participated*
29. 新手回归免费教学 团本实惠 2 14.03.2024
  14 Boss kills** where a total of 28 members of the guild have participated*
30. 首杀团队躺过 1 01.09.2023
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
5.  老馬布蘭契
全球 / 一般
All active
Alliance characters
Horde All active characters
61 51 112

老馬布蘭契 Alliance guilds based on active members
  Guild Active members Founded
1. 功成名就 14 03.03.2023
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
2. 新龍门客栈 8 07.12.2023
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
3. 自从加入此工会丨裝备提升也快了丨练级也轻松了丨 7 20.06.2023
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*


Most populated server for EU is Silvermoon with 157 346 characters, for alliance most populated is with 0 characters and for horde with 0 characters.
Most populated server for US is Ragnaros with 27 498 characters, for alliance most populated is with 0 characters and for horde with 0 characters.
Most populated server for Korea is 아즈샤라 with 50 926 characters, for alliance most populated is with 0 characters and for horde with 0 characters.
Most populated server for Taiwan is 尖石 with 54 868 characters, for alliance most populated is with 0 characters and for horde with 0 characters.

Population is calculated based on actively playing characters, instead of total number of characters found on server.

Wow Realm Population is for players who are looking for most active and populated Alliance or Horde realm and guild.

- Active character: Character has logged in within 30 days.
- All data is gathered from API usign guilds and characters info.
- Characters under level 10 are not counted.
- EU and USA frontpage recommendations emphasizes english speaking realms, for specific language realms check the realms lists.

*Guilds Participation
Total number of characters from the same guild were present (2 or more) in raid or dungeon each time the boss dies.

**Guilds Boss Kills
Number of bosses killed in raids or dungeons when 2 or more from the same guild where present.

These numbers are to distinguish guilds that have members who participate together in raids and dungeons more often that other guilds.

WowRealmPopulation statistics
EU characters in database: 6 798 532 of which 2 663 328 is currently considered being active within 2 week period.
EU guilds in database: 38 597 that have at least 10 members that are considered active within 2 week period.

US characters in database: 5 834 607 of which 2 010 906 is currently considered being active within 2 week period.
US guilds in database: 10 288 that have at least 10 members that are considered active within 2 week period.

Korean characters in database: 1 352 993 of which 122 695 is currently considered being active within 2 week period.
Korean guilds in database: 2 919 that have at least 5 members that are considered active within 2 week period.

Taiwanese characters in database: 2 054 260 of which 106 410 is currently considered being active within 2 week period.
Taiwanese guilds in database: 2 631 that have at least 5 members that are considered active within 2 week period.

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