World of Warcraft
Realm Population
Most populated European  Alliance and  Horde Realms
Most populated Korean  Alliance and  Horde Realms
Most populated USA  Alliance and  Horde Realms
Most populated Taiwanese  Alliance and  Horde Realms


European, Normal, German, Europe/Paris.

Other connected realms: Alexstrasza Madmortem Nethersturm 
Last updated 18.09.2024
Realms active characters
Alliance 3 357
Horde 706
Overall 4 063
  Combined active characters
from connected realms*
Alliance 14 064
Horde 4 245
Overall 18 309
* Alexstrasza Madmortem Nethersturm 
Realms most active guilds
Only guilds that have active members (2 week period) are shown.
  Guild Active members Side Realm Founded
1. Heroes de la Cruz 250 Alliance Proudmoore 29.03.2010
2. Demolierzwerge 236 Alliance Madmortem 23.08.2005
3. Nebelkrieger 221 Alliance Alexstrasza 11.04.2005
4. Erfolgsjäger 216 Alliance Madmortem 13.11.2011
5. Clarity of Mind 214 Alliance Madmortem 17.03.2016
6. AEIOU 209 Alliance Madmortem 26.05.2010
7. Deep Breath 203 Alliance Proudmoore 21.12.2005
8. Stressfrei 192 Alliance Alexstrasza 20.08.2007
9. Pure Rising 173 Alliance Alexstrasza 03.05.2009
10. Gevatter Tod 153 Alliance Proudmoore 23.11.2009
11. FreeSoul 153 Alliance Proudmoore 25.07.2016
12. Drachengold 151 Alliance Alexstrasza 30.12.2005
13. Royal Flush 148 Alliance Nethersturm 30.03.2007
14. helden der zeit 142 Alliance Nethersturm 18.12.2010
15. Keepers of Light 137 Alliance Alexstrasza 07.09.2010
16. ad Elysium 133 Alliance Alexstrasza 02.03.2006
17. Unity 133 Alliance Alexstrasza 26.05.2006
18. Bunter Haufen 132 Horde Madmortem 03.05.2010
19. Krone der Schöpfung 131 Alliance Madmortem 16.06.2005
20. Angels of Hellfire 130 Alliance Madmortem 09.09.2009
21. Noobus Gimpilus 126 Alliance Madmortem 13.09.2009
22. Titanen 126 Horde Madmortem 17.05.2005
23. Dreams 122 Alliance Madmortem 13.05.2006
24. Die grauen Wächter 120 Alliance Alexstrasza 16.11.2010
25. Schattenfang 113 Horde Madmortem 07.03.2005
26. alea iacta est 113 Horde Alexstrasza 12.09.2007
27. InFidem 111 Alliance Alexstrasza 05.01.2007
28. Legenden von Azeroth 111 Alliance Alexstrasza 20.03.2005
29. Tempus Draconis 106 Alliance Proudmoore 24.07.2005
30. Elite des Königs 104 Alliance Nethersturm 15.06.2008
31. Mann über Bord 102 Alliance Proudmoore 30.07.2006
32. gladiators of azeroth 100 Alliance Proudmoore 25.03.2006
33. underpressure 95 Horde Nethersturm 09.08.2012
34. Irrenanstalt 95 Alliance Alexstrasza 18.05.2022
35. Venimos venceremos 90 Alliance Nethersturm 10.08.2007
36. Ultima Ratio 89 Horde Alexstrasza 11.09.2010
37. TheRavens 87 Alliance Madmortem 16.05.2005
38. New Order 87 Horde Proudmoore 06.01.2007
39. Sinnlos auf Azeroth 87 Alliance Alexstrasza 18.08.2005
40. Acheron 86 Alliance Proudmoore 19.11.2010
41. Nevermind 86 Alliance Nethersturm 27.09.2012
42. Legenden aus dem ExiL 83 Alliance Alexstrasza 01.10.2009
43. Walhalls Wächter 81 Alliance Alexstrasza 04.04.2007
44. Brotherhood of Fire 81 Horde Alexstrasza 10.09.2005
45. Sons of Alexstrasza 80 Horde Alexstrasza 13.06.2013
46. Noctuidae 80 Alliance Nethersturm 11.04.2007
47. Ehrenlegion 76 Alliance Proudmoore 12.08.2010
48. DIE EINZELKÄMPFER 75 Alliance Proudmoore 16.04.2005
49. R a c h e E n g e l 74 Horde Nethersturm 31.05.2010
50. BLUTHORDE 74 Horde Alexstrasza 20.03.2005
51. Thanatos 71 Alliance Madmortem 10.10.2009
52. Children of Chaos 71 Alliance Alexstrasza 18.02.2005
53. Guards of Taranis 71 Alliance Alexstrasza 23.02.2005
54. Miracle 71 Alliance Nethersturm 05.12.2008
55. Gladiatoren 71 Alliance Proudmoore 22.09.2008
56. Nemesis 71 Alliance Proudmoore 10.01.2006
57. Ältestenrat 71 Alliance Proudmoore 08.04.2005
58. Instant Down 70 Alliance Madmortem 08.02.2007
59. Reisegruppe Sonnenschein 69 Alliance Alexstrasza 19.08.2014
60. Crusader 68 Alliance Proudmoore 20.02.2005
61. Legends of Kingdom 68 Alliance Alexstrasza 27.12.2008
62. Flames of Alliance 67 Alliance Nethersturm 20.04.2007
63. Antarctica 66 Alliance Madmortem 20.01.2010
64. Total Banane 65 Alliance Nethersturm 03.10.2017
65. Intentionally Evil 65 Alliance Alexstrasza 04.03.2007
66. Trash Wipe Prime 65 Alliance Madmortem 30.10.2022
67. bringt Euch Liebe 64 Horde Proudmoore 23.06.2008
68. The Devil 64 Alliance Proudmoore 26.11.2007
69. Lumen 64 Horde Madmortem 08.02.2018
70. Shadow Runner 63 Alliance Madmortem 12.02.2005
71. Repulse 62 Alliance Alexstrasza 30.11.2009
72. Hüter der Apokalypse 59 Alliance Alexstrasza 08.06.2005
73. Carpe Diem 58 Alliance Proudmoore 15.10.2006
74. Phoenix aus der Asche 58 Alliance Proudmoore 05.05.2014
75. Broken Sinus Cavity 56 Alliance Madmortem 10.03.2006
76. Old Spice 55 Alliance Proudmoore 21.10.2006
77. Flatout 55 Alliance Proudmoore 22.03.2012
78. Sturmbringer des Chaos 54 Alliance Alexstrasza 16.11.2011
79. Liga des Lichts 53 Alliance Madmortem 20.02.2005
80. Bikerboys 53 Alliance Alexstrasza 27.04.2008
81. Dark Angels 52 Alliance Alexstrasza 27.12.2005
82. Ritter von Nordend 51 Alliance Madmortem 24.08.2008
83. Der Phönixorden 51 Alliance Proudmoore 08.06.2008
84. Insidious 50 Alliance Madmortem 24.01.2014
85. Lighthammer 49 Alliance Proudmoore 27.04.2005
86. Oûtlaws 48 Horde Madmortem 08.06.2010
87. RAIDZ 48 Alliance Nethersturm 22.11.2007
88. Legenden der Revolution 48 Alliance Nethersturm 22.04.2015
89. Inter Pares 47 Alliance Madmortem 10.06.2006
90. Alles zünden 46 Alliance Madmortem 22.05.2015
91. Nerds Inc 46 Alliance Nethersturm 18.05.2010
92. gereizt und bissig 45 Horde Alexstrasza 27.06.2020
93. Heldenhammer Clan 44 Alliance Alexstrasza 04.03.2005
94. Schneckencrew 43 Horde Nethersturm 21.12.2022
95. Tears of Abaddon 43 Alliance Nethersturm 19.10.2009
96. Claymore 42 Horde Nethersturm 21.12.2011
97. Queen of the Night 42 Alliance Madmortem 08.05.2018
98. Nightmare Warriors 40 Alliance Nethersturm 23.01.2010
99. Soulbound 40 Alliance Madmortem 05.12.2010
100. Red Dragen 40 Horde Nethersturm 16.03.2019
101. Night Shadows 39 Horde Nethersturm 03.08.2008
102. LEGENDEN VON WOW 38 Alliance Nethersturm 13.10.2008
103. Pech und Schwefel 38 Alliance Alexstrasza 02.01.2008
104. the beautiful people 38 Alliance Nethersturm 02.07.2007
105. Kuss des Poseidon 38 Horde Proudmoore 03.01.2021
106. Blacklist 38 Alliance Alexstrasza 26.01.2014
107. unknown 37 Alliance Alexstrasza 01.05.2009
108. Entropica 36 Alliance Madmortem 24.05.2008
109. Triviality 36 Alliance Alexstrasza 09.09.2017
110. Phelonion 36 Alliance Nethersturm 02.02.2009
111. Knights of Chaos 36 Alliance Alexstrasza 16.05.2020
112. Stigmata 35 Alliance Nethersturm 21.12.2007
113. covenant 35 Horde Nethersturm 03.05.2010
114. Anderwelt Allianz 35 Alliance Alexstrasza 11.03.2005
115. Katzenbande 35 Alliance Proudmoore 04.12.2005
116. Circle of Elements 34 Alliance Alexstrasza 17.11.2007
117. Läufer 34 Horde Nethersturm 16.08.2014
118. The Hikers 34 Alliance Nethersturm 19.10.2020
119. Day of Silence 34 Alliance Madmortem 07.08.2011
120. The dark Fighters 34 Horde Madmortem 23.11.2014
121. EquinoX 33 Alliance Madmortem 07.09.2005
122. Mimus vitae 33 Alliance Madmortem 03.10.2009
123. Krieger der dunkle Macht 33 Horde Nethersturm 19.05.2012
124. Canus Leones 32 Alliance Proudmoore 13.01.2013
125. the night 32 Alliance Madmortem 21.06.2007
126. Cohesive Eight 32 Alliance Madmortem 14.12.2023
127. ID 31 Alliance Madmortem 23.03.2010
128. Nutzloser Haufen 31 Horde Alexstrasza 17.11.2020
129. Tribe of Ritus 31 Alliance Nethersturm 06.06.2019
130. the moon 30 Alliance Nethersturm 09.11.2020
131. Thumbs of Thunder 30 Alliance Proudmoore 23.05.2022
132. Agmen Draconis 30 Alliance Madmortem 06.01.2008
133. lex ignaviae 30 Horde Proudmoore 14.04.2023
134. Blood of Titans 30 Horde Madmortem 06.09.2009
135. Temporary 29 Horde Madmortem 24.10.2010
136. Die Legende vom Drachen 29 Horde Nethersturm 20.01.2013
137. UníQue 29 Alliance Alexstrasza 28.12.2014
138. Straight Ahead 29 Alliance Alexstrasza 23.09.2017
139. Die Beschützer Azeroths 29 Alliance Alexstrasza 04.12.2016
140. Rat des Raben 29 Horde Nethersturm 02.01.2013
141. Recomienzo 29 Alliance Madmortem 18.05.2007
142. Ice Experience 28 Alliance Proudmoore 06.12.2009
143. Nobody 28 Alliance Madmortem 29.05.2005
144. Elite of Deplete 28 Horde Nethersturm 26.04.2024
145. Evolution 27 Alliance Proudmoore 06.09.2009
146. Sheer Insanity 27 Alliance Nethersturm 17.01.2013
147. InglouriousBasterds 27 Alliance Nethersturm 26.11.2011
148. Night Watch 27 Alliance Madmortem 25.02.2005
149. Nightmare Knights 27 Horde Alexstrasza 20.03.2008
150. Confused 26 Alliance Proudmoore 15.10.2017
151. The hot jumping rabbits 26 Alliance Alexstrasza 17.02.2005
152. Nostra Culpa 25 Alliance Proudmoore 04.11.2007
153. Lost Dragons 25 Alliance Nethersturm 23.09.2007
154. NICER SHICE 25 Alliance Alexstrasza 15.02.2021
155. Hüter des Grün 25 Alliance Madmortem 08.08.2022
156. Lauter nette Leute 24 Alliance Proudmoore 13.10.2008
157. Learn to PLAY 24 Horde Nethersturm 09.02.2008
158. Force of Magic 24 Alliance Madmortem 02.06.2007
159. Templerorden 24 Alliance Madmortem 02.09.2010
160. Templer von Azeroth 24 Alliance Madmortem 09.04.2005
161. Soulreapers 24 Horde Proudmoore 31.10.2022
162. Umbrella Corp 24 Alliance Proudmoore 28.03.2023
163. Die Glorreichen Sieben 23 Alliance Alexstrasza 14.09.2010
164. Infinitas 23 Horde Alexstrasza 14.01.2006
165. Leges inter Arma 23 Alliance Madmortem 21.03.2005
166. von den Drachenjägern 23 Horde Madmortem 10.06.2014
167. ZERBERUS 23 Horde Proudmoore 25.03.2007
168. Nuada 23 Horde Madmortem 10.03.2009
169. Ordo Rex 22 Alliance Alexstrasza 08.06.2009
170. Big 22 Alliance Nethersturm 05.02.2018
171. Die Söhne von Korhal 22 Alliance Alexstrasza 05.09.2008
172. Die Reisenden 22 Alliance Alexstrasza 25.07.2009
173. The Faceless 22 Alliance Proudmoore 25.10.2009
174. Morituri te Salutant 22 Alliance Alexstrasza 26.05.2008
175. Wanderer der Welten 22 Alliance Proudmoore 12.06.2012
176. Shadron 22 Alliance Nethersturm 02.10.2010
177. Ad unum omnes 21 Alliance Alexstrasza 17.06.2014
178. ExiL 21 Alliance Nethersturm 05.05.2008
179. Angels of Darkness 21 Alliance Alexstrasza 14.02.2005
180. Sons of the fallen Lands 21 Alliance Alexstrasza 16.02.2005
181. Born To Rage 21 Alliance Madmortem 18.02.2018
182. Globuli 21 Alliance Proudmoore 08.08.2022
183. Springflut 21 Alliance Alexstrasza 18.10.2020
184. Red Moon 21 Alliance Nethersturm 29.10.2019
185. Sidekick 20 Alliance Proudmoore 08.01.2014
186. Blackrain 20 Horde Alexstrasza 25.11.2019
187. Elite von Azeroth 20 Alliance Madmortem 25.04.2021
188. Krieger des Nordens 20 Alliance Madmortem 06.08.2005
189. Temple of Fools 20 Horde Madmortem 05.04.2006
190. Viribus unitis 20 Alliance Proudmoore 22.03.2009
191. Acheron 20 Alliance Alexstrasza 13.12.2010
192. Joghurt im Rucksack 20 Alliance Alexstrasza 12.03.2023
193. Ignis Sacer 20 Alliance Nethersturm 01.09.2007
194. Veteres 20 Alliance Madmortem 13.02.2005
195. Falkens Maze 20 Alliance Alexstrasza 09.05.2005


Most populated server for EU is Silvermoon with 157 346 characters, for alliance most populated is with 0 characters and for horde with 0 characters.
Most populated server for US is Ragnaros with 27 498 characters, for alliance most populated is with 0 characters and for horde with 0 characters.
Most populated server for Korea is 아즈샤라 with 50 926 characters, for alliance most populated is with 0 characters and for horde with 0 characters.
Most populated server for Taiwan is 尖石 with 54 868 characters, for alliance most populated is with 0 characters and for horde with 0 characters.

Population is calculated based on actively playing characters, instead of total number of characters found on server.

Wow Realm Population is for players who are looking for most active and populated Alliance or Horde realm and guild.

- Active character: Character has logged in within 30 days.
- All data is gathered from API usign guilds and characters info.
- Characters under level 10 are not counted.
- EU and USA frontpage recommendations emphasizes english speaking realms, for specific language realms check the realms lists.

*Guilds Participation
Total number of characters from the same guild were present (2 or more) in raid or dungeon each time the boss dies.

**Guilds Boss Kills
Number of bosses killed in raids or dungeons when 2 or more from the same guild where present.

These numbers are to distinguish guilds that have members who participate together in raids and dungeons more often that other guilds.

WowRealmPopulation statistics
EU characters in database: 6 798 618 of which 2 772 530 is currently considered being active within 2 week period.
EU guilds in database: 38 597 that have at least 10 members that are considered active within 2 week period.

US characters in database: 5 834 965 of which 2 063 384 is currently considered being active within 2 week period.
US guilds in database: 10 288 that have at least 10 members that are considered active within 2 week period.

Korean characters in database: 1 352 993 of which 125 227 is currently considered being active within 2 week period.
Korean guilds in database: 2 919 that have at least 5 members that are considered active within 2 week period.

Taiwanese characters in database: 2 054 260 of which 109 041 is currently considered being active within 2 week period.
Taiwanese guilds in database: 2 631 that have at least 5 members that are considered active within 2 week period.

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