World of Warcraft
Realm Population
Most populated European  Alliance and  Horde Realms
Most populated Korean  Alliance and  Horde Realms
Most populated USA  Alliance and  Horde Realms
Most populated Taiwanese  Alliance and  Horde Realms


Taiwanese, 一般, 台灣, Asia/Taipei.

Other connected realms: 亞雷戈斯 血之谷 巨龍之喉 冰霜之刺 米奈希爾 夜空之歌 雲蛟衛 雷鱗 
Last updated 12.10.2024
Realms active characters
Alliance 1 426
Horde 774
Overall 2 200
  Combined active characters
from connected realms*
Alliance 8 088
Horde 13 371
Overall 21 459
* 亞雷戈斯 血之谷 巨龍之喉 冰霜之刺 米奈希爾 夜空之歌 雲蛟衛 雷鱗 
Realms most active guilds
Only guilds that have active members (2 week period) are shown.
  Guild Active members Side Realm Founded
1. 世界搖籃 446 部落 冰霜之刺 12.02.2009
  1809 Boss kills** where a total of 5949 members of the guild have participated*
2. Asgard 330 部落 夜空之歌 16.05.2008
  1287 Boss kills** where a total of 7559 members of the guild have participated*
3. Chill Life 327 部落 血之谷 24.07.2022
  1171 Boss kills** where a total of 4474 members of the guild have participated*
4. MuHaHa 294 部落 夜空之歌 18.07.2021
  1230 Boss kills** where a total of 5252 members of the guild have participated*
5. PanDemoniuM 238 部落 雷鱗 06.04.2010
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
6. 夜軍 224 部落 冰霜之刺 02.05.2024
  726 Boss kills** where a total of 1875 members of the guild have participated*
7. 芝麻街天團 222 部落 世界之樹 17.09.2017
  836 Boss kills** where a total of 3575 members of the guild have participated*
8. Taiwan Guts 217 部落 冰霜之刺 21.04.2010
  725 Boss kills** where a total of 2084 members of the guild have participated*
9. 可愛即是正義 208 聯盟 巨龍之喉 27.02.2009
  739 Boss kills** where a total of 1844 members of the guild have participated*
10. 台灣小吃辦桌總鋪師 203 部落 亞雷戈斯 12.11.2011
  705 Boss kills** where a total of 2743 members of the guild have participated*
11. 森林之心 199 部落 亞雷戈斯 05.08.2014
  436 Boss kills** where a total of 2319 members of the guild have participated*
12. Rise Against 190 聯盟 冰霜之刺 21.04.2009
  280 Boss kills** where a total of 1177 members of the guild have participated*
13. 自由之風 185 部落 夜空之歌 05.10.2005
  459 Boss kills** where a total of 2503 members of the guild have participated*
14. Out of mana 175 部落 亞雷戈斯 14.09.2010
  457 Boss kills** where a total of 1973 members of the guild have participated*
15. 中華一番 173 部落 血之谷 24.04.2015
  357 Boss kills** where a total of 1149 members of the guild have participated*
16. Glory of Nightwish 169 部落 冰霜之刺 31.12.2005
  418 Boss kills** where a total of 1332 members of the guild have participated*
17. SnowElysium 166 聯盟 亞雷戈斯 02.11.2013
  553 Boss kills** where a total of 4235 members of the guild have participated*
18. 老兄我要讓你血肉橫飛 165 部落 血之谷 01.10.2014
  318 Boss kills** where a total of 1273 members of the guild have participated*
19. 聖殿 龍狼 164 聯盟 亞雷戈斯 06.06.2006
  802 Boss kills** where a total of 2148 members of the guild have participated*
20. 和氣生財 154 聯盟 亞雷戈斯 05.07.2010
  382 Boss kills** where a total of 1560 members of the guild have participated*
21. 與神同行 153 部落 血之谷 06.10.2018
  355 Boss kills** where a total of 1354 members of the guild have participated*
22. 月刃 142 聯盟 亞雷戈斯 27.11.2005
  400 Boss kills** where a total of 2524 members of the guild have participated*
23. Pioneer 140 聯盟 冰霜之刺 09.03.2009
  442 Boss kills** where a total of 2294 members of the guild have participated*
24. 蠢貨我們的事業是正義的 138 部落 米奈希爾 14.06.2009
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
25. Nature Bloody 138 聯盟 巨龍之喉 30.06.2011
  127 Boss kills** where a total of 334 members of the guild have participated*
26. 行走在黑暗中的人們的宴會 135 聯盟 亞雷戈斯 23.09.2020
  331 Boss kills** where a total of 1447 members of the guild have participated*
27. Clown Return 133 部落 血之谷 02.03.2009
  247 Boss kills** where a total of 1929 members of the guild have participated*
28. 傻眼貓咪 125 部落 巨龍之喉 05.11.2020
  505 Boss kills** where a total of 1395 members of the guild have participated*
29. 魅影 123 部落 冰霜之刺 13.08.2006
  195 Boss kills** where a total of 1344 members of the guild have participated*
30. Afterlife 122 聯盟 世界之樹 10.07.2010
  811 Boss kills** where a total of 3622 members of the guild have participated*
31. 休閒團 115 聯盟 亞雷戈斯 13.06.2009
  693 Boss kills** where a total of 3064 members of the guild have participated*
32. 星璽 114 部落 冰霜之刺 27.07.2016
  162 Boss kills** where a total of 482 members of the guild have participated*
33. For the Glory of JO JO 112 部落 世界之樹 18.06.2020
  443 Boss kills** where a total of 4016 members of the guild have participated*
34. 雪塢 112 聯盟 亞雷戈斯 12.10.2010
  471 Boss kills** where a total of 1809 members of the guild have participated*
35. 黑手股份有限公司 112 部落 米奈希爾 28.02.2015
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
36. Ice Angel 107 部落 米奈希爾 28.04.2016
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
37. 人人崇拜的神經病 105 部落 冰霜之刺 10.10.2010
  414 Boss kills** where a total of 1415 members of the guild have participated*
38. 魔豆銀鹿 104 聯盟 亞雷戈斯 31.08.2013
  301 Boss kills** where a total of 816 members of the guild have participated*
39. 中國古拳法研究協會 102 部落 巨龍之喉 28.06.2007
  229 Boss kills** where a total of 586 members of the guild have participated*
40. Never Weak Again 99 部落 米奈希爾 12.07.2015
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
41. Dark Maggots Empire 95 部落 冰霜之刺 29.06.2018
  260 Boss kills** where a total of 678 members of the guild have participated*
42. 浮生偷閑 91 聯盟 亞雷戈斯 10.11.2009
  402 Boss kills** where a total of 1308 members of the guild have participated*
43. Together 91 部落 血之谷 13.11.2009
  109 Boss kills** where a total of 460 members of the guild have participated*
44. 便利盟 90 聯盟 雷鱗 01.11.2019
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
45. 夢奇地 87 聯盟 亞雷戈斯 27.07.2008
  95 Boss kills** where a total of 259 members of the guild have participated*
46. 黑心商會 85 聯盟 冰霜之刺 26.01.2020
  78 Boss kills** where a total of 340 members of the guild have participated*
47. 火鍋幫 85 聯盟 血之谷 04.08.2011
  125 Boss kills** where a total of 448 members of the guild have participated*
48. 曹氏宗親會 81 部落 冰霜之刺 09.09.2024
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
49. BUBU 81 部落 血之谷 20.09.2013
  109 Boss kills** where a total of 268 members of the guild have participated*
50. 四葉酢醬草 79 部落 亞雷戈斯 13.06.2021
  131 Boss kills** where a total of 510 members of the guild have participated*
51. Starry Night 76 聯盟 世界之樹 05.04.2018
  182 Boss kills** where a total of 643 members of the guild have participated*
52. 異鄉人 75 聯盟 世界之樹 07.05.2021
  277 Boss kills** where a total of 1137 members of the guild have participated*
53. Endless War 75 部落 世界之樹 01.05.2014
  256 Boss kills** where a total of 871 members of the guild have participated*
54. 畜牲騎士團 75 部落 冰霜之刺 21.08.2007
  96 Boss kills** where a total of 259 members of the guild have participated*
55. 體驗帳號 74 聯盟 米奈希爾 10.07.2018
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
56. 多元成家 73 部落 雷鱗 02.12.2014
  168 Boss kills** where a total of 554 members of the guild have participated*
57. Wings of Liberty 70 聯盟 世界之樹 27.09.2010
  229 Boss kills** where a total of 624 members of the guild have participated*
58. 部落之拳 68 部落 血之谷 11.06.2016
  29 Boss kills** where a total of 58 members of the guild have participated*
59. 菜菜是個豬駐台服分砣 68 部落 巨龍之喉 01.02.2010
  96 Boss kills** where a total of 192 members of the guild have participated*
60. 平行世界 67 聯盟 世界之樹 19.10.2013
  147 Boss kills** where a total of 1156 members of the guild have participated*
61. 悠閒小居 67 聯盟 冰霜之刺 07.04.2008
  186 Boss kills** where a total of 613 members of the guild have participated*
62. 愛貓園 67 聯盟 米奈希爾 14.10.2012
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
63. Pledge of Blood 66 聯盟 亞雷戈斯 11.12.2021
  225 Boss kills** where a total of 702 members of the guild have participated*
64. 沐拉拉手作甜點工作室 64 聯盟 夜空之歌 12.12.2022
  235 Boss kills** where a total of 1285 members of the guild have participated*
65. trespass 64 部落 冰霜之刺 23.10.2007
  95 Boss kills** where a total of 296 members of the guild have participated*
66. Antharas 63 聯盟 夜空之歌 27.11.2022
  105 Boss kills** where a total of 708 members of the guild have participated*
67. Assassin 63 部落 夜空之歌 27.05.2008
  202 Boss kills** where a total of 561 members of the guild have participated*
68. 光之福爾摩莎 62 部落 冰霜之刺 19.10.2010
  33 Boss kills** where a total of 204 members of the guild have participated*
69. Final Dawn 62 部落 冰霜之刺 02.09.2010
  55 Boss kills** where a total of 170 members of the guild have participated*
70. 聖托利亞學院 61 聯盟 亞雷戈斯 17.03.2013
  203 Boss kills** where a total of 578 members of the guild have participated*
71. 我還有點餓 60 部落 夜空之歌 19.12.2022
  119 Boss kills** where a total of 299 members of the guild have participated*
72. 王爺廟 59 聯盟 亞雷戈斯 04.11.2016
  59 Boss kills** where a total of 122 members of the guild have participated*
73. Daybreak Dawn 58 部落 世界之樹 20.07.2006
  359 Boss kills** where a total of 1289 members of the guild have participated*
74. 寅虎 57 部落 雷鱗 02.09.2011
  1 Boss kills** where a total of 2 members of the guild have participated*
75. 共飲長生酒 56 聯盟 血之谷 07.06.2012
  7 Boss kills** where a total of 14 members of the guild have participated*
76. Devils May Cry 54 部落 亞雷戈斯 21.07.2023
  89 Boss kills** where a total of 310 members of the guild have participated*
77. Good Luck 53 聯盟 夜空之歌 05.10.2005
  100 Boss kills** where a total of 292 members of the guild have participated*
78. 夢想守護者 53 聯盟 世界之樹 14.07.2006
  246 Boss kills** where a total of 592 members of the guild have participated*
79. Love and Peace 53 聯盟 世界之樹 29.04.2010
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
80. 大秘境 52 部落 世界之樹 22.11.2022
  108 Boss kills** where a total of 326 members of the guild have participated*
81. 每個星期總有五六天不想上班 52 部落 米奈希爾 23.09.2021
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
82. 天空 52 聯盟 世界之樹 27.08.2009
  70 Boss kills** where a total of 184 members of the guild have participated*
83. 黃巾軍 52 部落 冰霜之刺 25.03.2007
  172 Boss kills** where a total of 412 members of the guild have participated*
84. Salvation 50 部落 夜空之歌 09.07.2020
  203 Boss kills** where a total of 565 members of the guild have participated*
85. 黑箱作業自肥無理法系優先大撚曬平衡德就是囧 50 聯盟 巨龍之喉 16.09.2007
  40 Boss kills** where a total of 120 members of the guild have participated*
86. 整人專家株式會社 49 聯盟 冰霜之刺 12.09.2006
  25 Boss kills** where a total of 63 members of the guild have participated*
87. Azeroth 49 部落 冰霜之刺 05.12.2016
  110 Boss kills** where a total of 452 members of the guild have participated*
88. 白木屋 49 部落 夜空之歌 24.04.2007
  89 Boss kills** where a total of 334 members of the guild have participated*
89. Best Friend 48 部落 世界之樹 17.06.2011
  127 Boss kills** where a total of 482 members of the guild have participated*
90. 時光漫遊 47 部落 亞雷戈斯 19.10.2022
  160 Boss kills** where a total of 368 members of the guild have participated*
91. 老不死俱樂部 46 部落 夜空之歌 22.01.2007
  164 Boss kills** where a total of 605 members of the guild have participated*
92. 冷月 46 部落 巨龍之喉 09.12.2012
  51 Boss kills** where a total of 102 members of the guild have participated*
93. Last Order 45 部落 冰霜之刺 23.02.2009
  38 Boss kills** where a total of 99 members of the guild have participated*
94. Newtype 45 部落 夜空之歌 30.03.2009
  179 Boss kills** where a total of 502 members of the guild have participated*
95. 如夢似幻 44 聯盟 世界之樹 24.03.2006
  181 Boss kills** where a total of 370 members of the guild have participated*
96. 巨龍之喉黑市交易中心 44 部落 巨龍之喉 11.09.2010
  91 Boss kills** where a total of 192 members of the guild have participated*
97. 聖域神執者 43 部落 夜空之歌 11.04.2010
  119 Boss kills** where a total of 323 members of the guild have participated*
98. 星耀 42 部落 亞雷戈斯 31.03.2023
  171 Boss kills** where a total of 779 members of the guild have participated*
99. 噗噗瘋人院 42 聯盟 亞雷戈斯 02.10.2007
  119 Boss kills** where a total of 352 members of the guild have participated*
100. Dragon Throne 42 部落 世界之樹 09.03.2007
  187 Boss kills** where a total of 549 members of the guild have participated*
101. 我們沒公會 41 聯盟 世界之樹 09.07.2007
  164 Boss kills** where a total of 457 members of the guild have participated*
102. 克林鐵布 41 部落 米奈希爾 27.10.2005
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
103. Bohemian Rhapsody 40 部落 血之谷 19.09.2021
  64 Boss kills** where a total of 519 members of the guild have participated*
104. 聖光之刃 40 聯盟 冰霜之刺 19.11.2005
  64 Boss kills** where a total of 144 members of the guild have participated*
105. Eliudnis 39 部落 亞雷戈斯 31.01.2011
  102 Boss kills** where a total of 248 members of the guild have participated*
106. 魔幻空間 39 部落 冰霜之刺 21.10.2011
  122 Boss kills** where a total of 339 members of the guild have participated*
107. 微甜幼稚園 39 聯盟 夜空之歌 03.11.2005
  118 Boss kills** where a total of 305 members of the guild have participated*
108. 廟口 39 部落 巨龍之喉 12.03.2010
  33 Boss kills** where a total of 72 members of the guild have participated*
109. 黯刃騎士團 38 聯盟 冰霜之刺 19.11.2008
  64 Boss kills** where a total of 168 members of the guild have participated*
110. Wanna 38 部落 夜空之歌 08.02.2010
  159 Boss kills** where a total of 441 members of the guild have participated*
111. 逃生倉 37 部落 米奈希爾 16.12.2008
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
112. The Lycanthropy 37 聯盟 巨龍之喉 08.12.2010
  49 Boss kills** where a total of 110 members of the guild have participated*
113. Mercenaire 36 部落 血之谷 16.04.2019
  16 Boss kills** where a total of 32 members of the guild have participated*
114. Eternal Land 36 部落 夜空之歌 19.11.2005
  139 Boss kills** where a total of 478 members of the guild have participated*
115. 週末公會 36 部落 雷鱗 16.02.2012
  4 Boss kills** where a total of 8 members of the guild have participated*
116. 歡樂家族 36 部落 雷鱗 05.02.2006
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
117. LOST 35 部落 米奈希爾 23.03.2008
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
118. 哪裡來的選手 35 部落 血之谷 12.02.2024
  63 Boss kills** where a total of 291 members of the guild have participated*
119. 一微風一 35 聯盟 世界之樹 09.11.2013
  30 Boss kills** where a total of 60 members of the guild have participated*
120. 甜甜棒棒糖 34 部落 巨龍之喉 18.12.2012
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
121. 雛田莊 34 部落 夜空之歌 12.03.2010
  41 Boss kills** where a total of 82 members of the guild have participated*
122. 太陽之手 34 部落 血之谷 15.08.2008
  35 Boss kills** where a total of 70 members of the guild have participated*
123. 聽說炫耀的人吃泡麵沒有調味包 34 聯盟 世界之樹 10.08.2009
  9 Boss kills** where a total of 34 members of the guild have participated*
124. 打團靠演技過王靠運氣 34 聯盟 亞雷戈斯 05.08.2018
  143 Boss kills** where a total of 580 members of the guild have participated*
125. Kiss I am beautiful 34 部落 米奈希爾 23.08.2009
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
126. 知行合一 34 部落 巨龍之喉 20.06.2012
  62 Boss kills** where a total of 124 members of the guild have participated*
127. 烏合之眾 34 部落 巨龍之喉 10.10.2005
  77 Boss kills** where a total of 176 members of the guild have participated*
128. Gradually Native 33 聯盟 冰霜之刺 07.11.2010
  15 Boss kills** where a total of 30 members of the guild have participated*
129. 黑帝斯的哭泣 33 聯盟 冰霜之刺 03.12.2005
  112 Boss kills** where a total of 270 members of the guild have participated*
130. 家的感覺 33 部落 夜空之歌 16.06.2008
  76 Boss kills** where a total of 168 members of the guild have participated*
131. 在艾澤拉斯不准跳跳 不然部落會看到 32 聯盟 夜空之歌 20.03.2024
  33 Boss kills** where a total of 79 members of the guild have participated*
132. 紫玫星閣 32 部落 世界之樹 08.11.2010
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
133. 歡樂咩咩團 32 部落 巨龍之喉 24.04.2016
  175 Boss kills** where a total of 400 members of the guild have participated*
134. Solo Time 32 部落 米奈希爾 13.05.2009
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
135. 黑手傳說 32 部落 夜空之歌 20.07.2010
  163 Boss kills** where a total of 346 members of the guild have participated*
136. 未尽旅途 31 部落 世界之樹 20.11.2022
  48 Boss kills** where a total of 96 members of the guild have participated*
137. Azeroth Freedom Knights 31 部落 夜空之歌 18.10.2020
  118 Boss kills** where a total of 401 members of the guild have participated*
138. 隨遇而安 31 部落 世界之樹 21.03.2016
  43 Boss kills** where a total of 168 members of the guild have participated*
139. 薪水就像大姨媽幾天就沒了 31 部落 冰霜之刺 06.10.2012
  40 Boss kills** where a total of 165 members of the guild have participated*
140. 惠比壽麝香葡萄 31 部落 雷鱗 25.12.2013
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
141. 極光狸嘉政 30 部落 血之谷 01.09.2024
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
142. 我想和你虚度时光 30 部落 世界之樹 23.04.2023
  90 Boss kills** where a total of 249 members of the guild have participated*
143. 丨左青龙丨右白虎丨老牛在腰间丨龙头在胸口丨 30 部落 血之谷 09.04.2024
  37 Boss kills** where a total of 74 members of the guild have participated*
144. Celestial Dawn 30 部落 巨龍之喉 22.10.2008
  57 Boss kills** where a total of 114 members of the guild have participated*
145. OriGinaL Sins 30 部落 雷鱗 17.05.2012
  2 Boss kills** where a total of 4 members of the guild have participated*
146. Vtuber Observer 29 聯盟 雲蛟衛 23.06.2023
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
147. Never AFK 29 部落 世界之樹 25.01.2023
  94 Boss kills** where a total of 218 members of the guild have participated*
148. 眾神黎明 29 部落 血之谷 07.10.2008
  82 Boss kills** where a total of 164 members of the guild have participated*
149. 霍格沃茨 28 部落 世界之樹 13.06.2024
  32 Boss kills** where a total of 64 members of the guild have participated*
150. 雷妮馬與她的大腿夥伴 28 部落 冰霜之刺 13.08.2023
  33 Boss kills** where a total of 97 members of the guild have participated*
151. HOMIE 28 部落 米奈希爾 30.12.2023
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
152. Royal Team 28 部落 血之谷 13.12.2008
  111 Boss kills** where a total of 244 members of the guild have participated*
153. Night Raid 28 部落 血之谷 03.02.2015
  32 Boss kills** where a total of 112 members of the guild have participated*
154. 海音 28 部落 亞雷戈斯 13.02.2010
  54 Boss kills** where a total of 136 members of the guild have participated*
155. 清晨做幾個俯臥撐中午跑出去打醬油晚上找朋友躲貓貓 28 聯盟 世界之樹 03.04.2009
  72 Boss kills** where a total of 197 members of the guild have participated*
156. For the Dream 28 部落 雷鱗 11.04.2009
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
157. 知北遊 28 部落 巨龍之喉 04.12.2008
  38 Boss kills** where a total of 78 members of the guild have participated*
158. We R Family 27 部落 米奈希爾 22.11.2022
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
159. 怎麼絕世武功動不動就要練個一百幾十年啊 27 部落 冰霜之刺 07.09.2007
  22 Boss kills** where a total of 44 members of the guild have participated*
160. 夜貓神王國 27 部落 世界之樹 30.10.2012
  19 Boss kills** where a total of 59 members of the guild have participated*
161. 朋 友 的 公 會 27 聯盟 米奈希爾 03.12.2008
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
162. 凸凹多元宇宙成家凹凸 26 部落 夜空之歌 20.02.2021
  97 Boss kills** where a total of 270 members of the guild have participated*
163. 達拉然管理委員會 26 部落 冰霜之刺 19.09.2010
  32 Boss kills** where a total of 70 members of the guild have participated*
164. 史記世家 26 聯盟 世界之樹 29.10.2012
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
165. 天下風雲出我輩 26 聯盟 世界之樹 13.09.2009
  53 Boss kills** where a total of 138 members of the guild have participated*
166. 部落走心協會 26 部落 亞雷戈斯 21.04.2021
  106 Boss kills** where a total of 316 members of the guild have participated*
167. Pantheum 25 部落 亞雷戈斯 11.10.2022
  153 Boss kills** where a total of 522 members of the guild have participated*
168. Neverland 25 部落 世界之樹 11.08.2019
  62 Boss kills** where a total of 250 members of the guild have participated*
169. 倉庫君國郡 25 聯盟 米奈希爾 18.08.2008
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
170. 荳之屋後援會 25 部落 夜空之歌 09.06.2009
  11 Boss kills** where a total of 60 members of the guild have participated*
171. 元氣喵喵谷 25 部落 血之谷 27.06.2008
  43 Boss kills** where a total of 86 members of the guild have participated*
172. Impervious 25 聯盟 冰霜之刺 19.12.2006
  88 Boss kills** where a total of 180 members of the guild have participated*
173. BaLance 25 部落 夜空之歌 17.08.2009
  135 Boss kills** where a total of 270 members of the guild have participated*
174. 創世之翼 24 部落 血之谷 01.07.2010
  76 Boss kills** where a total of 283 members of the guild have participated*
175. Honor of Azeroth 24 聯盟 巨龍之喉 05.01.2009
  22 Boss kills** where a total of 48 members of the guild have participated*
176. 科学尽头 23 部落 血之谷 21.08.2024
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
177. 霹靂卡霹靂拉拉 波波力那貝貝魯多 小狐狸抖雷咪 23 部落 冰霜之刺 04.05.2023
  58 Boss kills** where a total of 176 members of the guild have participated*
178. 爆炸你要先說啊 23 部落 夜空之歌 07.03.2023
  86 Boss kills** where a total of 418 members of the guild have participated*
179. 在廣衾草原上睡著然後夢見思念的你 23 部落 夜空之歌 19.03.2009
  55 Boss kills** where a total of 247 members of the guild have participated*
180. 你說你小家壁玉舔了妳卻因此入獄 23 部落 冰霜之刺 27.04.2021
  14 Boss kills** where a total of 53 members of the guild have participated*
181. Heaven 23 聯盟 亞雷戈斯 21.07.2008
  140 Boss kills** where a total of 452 members of the guild have participated*
182. 三重俊傑 23 部落 亞雷戈斯 09.03.2008
  78 Boss kills** where a total of 180 members of the guild have participated*
183. 楓之傷 23 部落 米奈希爾 03.10.2012
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
184. 漫天戰鼓 23 聯盟 血之谷 17.06.2007
  14 Boss kills** where a total of 54 members of the guild have participated*
185. AngelDella 23 聯盟 冰霜之刺 11.11.2018
  9 Boss kills** where a total of 18 members of the guild have participated*
186. 庫斯德帝國 23 部落 巨龍之喉 23.04.2010
  92 Boss kills** where a total of 184 members of the guild have participated*
187. 古老神話 23 聯盟 雷鱗 16.06.2010
  3 Boss kills** where a total of 6 members of the guild have participated*
188. 大不列顛皇家御用泡鬼妹養番狗住洋樓駐亞太區總行 22 聯盟 亞雷戈斯 14.08.2015
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
189. 聖光大男團 22 部落 血之谷 14.01.2023
  52 Boss kills** where a total of 169 members of the guild have participated*
190. 水龍敬樂園 22 部落 夜空之歌 01.09.2018
  27 Boss kills** where a total of 70 members of the guild have participated*
191. 閃電喵喵 22 聯盟 世界之樹 26.01.2023
  97 Boss kills** where a total of 200 members of the guild have participated*
192. 花火祭 22 部落 血之谷 27.12.2008
  49 Boss kills** where a total of 219 members of the guild have participated*
193. 俠客 22 部落 血之谷 07.01.2019
  38 Boss kills** where a total of 76 members of the guild have participated*
194. 紅人館 22 部落 巨龍之喉 12.12.2009
  1 Boss kills** where a total of 2 members of the guild have participated*
195. 這個公會的人都有強迫症 22 聯盟 夜空之歌 13.06.2017
  118 Boss kills** where a total of 405 members of the guild have participated*
196. 深邃 22 聯盟 亞雷戈斯 21.09.2009
  139 Boss kills** where a total of 462 members of the guild have participated*
197. 聖光之愿 22 聯盟 世界之樹 22.01.2010
  58 Boss kills** where a total of 164 members of the guild have participated*
198. 毛毛兄弟幫 22 聯盟 世界之樹 22.07.2018
  176 Boss kills** where a total of 507 members of the guild have participated*
199. 你當我乞丐阿 22 部落 血之谷 14.09.2018
  160 Boss kills** where a total of 388 members of the guild have participated*
200. 排擠爆氣記仇邊緣少天 22 部落 冰霜之刺 09.02.2018
  17 Boss kills** where a total of 56 members of the guild have participated*
201. Alfheim 22 部落 血之谷 25.01.2017
  1 Boss kills** where a total of 2 members of the guild have participated*
202. 還好我兩個兒子有一個有出息媽才能住大房子 22 部落 夜空之歌 03.04.2017
  68 Boss kills** where a total of 212 members of the guild have participated*
203. Myth renewed 22 聯盟 夜空之歌 31.07.2014
  51 Boss kills** where a total of 140 members of the guild have participated*
204. 丹哥萬歲 21 聯盟 米奈希爾 03.12.2017
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
205. 流浪之地 21 聯盟 亞雷戈斯 22.11.2022
  8 Boss kills** where a total of 16 members of the guild have participated*
206. 榮耀終將屬於部落 21 部落 血之谷 27.01.2023
  10 Boss kills** where a total of 20 members of the guild have participated*
207. Megalovania 21 部落 血之谷 18.11.2020
  36 Boss kills** where a total of 198 members of the guild have participated*
208. 自由之影 21 部落 亞雷戈斯 04.07.2006
  63 Boss kills** where a total of 206 members of the guild have participated*
209. 紫色幽谷 21 部落 米奈希爾 03.12.2009
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
210. Blood covenant 21 部落 血之谷 16.06.2013
  19 Boss kills** where a total of 50 members of the guild have participated*
211. I AM LEGEND 21 聯盟 世界之樹 29.07.2010
  63 Boss kills** where a total of 224 members of the guild have participated*
212. ImOP 21 部落 亞雷戈斯 16.10.2014
  16 Boss kills** where a total of 48 members of the guild have participated*
213. London Fourteen K 21 部落 夜空之歌 09.07.2020
  37 Boss kills** where a total of 122 members of the guild have participated*
214. 佩爾修斯皇家精英怪 21 部落 夜空之歌 30.11.2005
  15 Boss kills** where a total of 87 members of the guild have participated*
215. 嗜血紅唇 21 部落 巨龍之喉 06.12.2010
  49 Boss kills** where a total of 272 members of the guild have participated*
216. Immortal Armageddon 21 部落 巨龍之喉 27.07.2010
  48 Boss kills** where a total of 96 members of the guild have participated*
217. The Revenge 20 部落 冰霜之刺 05.10.2005
  98 Boss kills** where a total of 398 members of the guild have participated*
218. 丷下雨天丷 20 聯盟 世界之樹 18.02.2023
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
219. Flying Petals 20 部落 血之谷 04.02.2013
  15 Boss kills** where a total of 30 members of the guild have participated*
220. 御庭番眾 20 部落 巨龍之喉 04.06.2009
  83 Boss kills** where a total of 204 members of the guild have participated*
221. 農田休閒生活 20 部落 亞雷戈斯 12.01.2021
  1 Boss kills** where a total of 2 members of the guild have participated*
222. 惡魔貓男俱樂部 20 部落 世界之樹 13.05.2020
  82 Boss kills** where a total of 307 members of the guild have participated*
223. Arriere Pensee 20 聯盟 米奈希爾 09.07.2007
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
224. 心樂園 20 聯盟 米奈希爾 20.04.2006
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
225. 神啟 20 聯盟 血之谷 25.03.2011
  19 Boss kills** where a total of 38 members of the guild have participated*
226. Londo Bell 20 部落 冰霜之刺 26.05.2011
  38 Boss kills** where a total of 152 members of the guild have participated*
227. 喵喵的異想世界 20 部落 冰霜之刺 06.10.2008
  11 Boss kills** where a total of 28 members of the guild have participated*


Most populated server for EU is Silvermoon with 113 158 characters, for alliance most populated is with 0 characters and for horde with 0 characters.
Most populated server for US is Ragnaros with 27 498 characters, for alliance most populated is with 0 characters and for horde with 0 characters.
Most populated server for Korea is 달라란 with 38 955 characters, for alliance most populated is with 0 characters and for horde with 0 characters.
Most populated server for Taiwan is 尖石 with 36 570 characters, for alliance most populated is with 0 characters and for horde with 0 characters.

Population is calculated based on actively playing characters, instead of total number of characters found on server.

Wow Realm Population is for players who are looking for most active and populated Alliance or Horde realm and guild.

- Active character: Character has logged in within 30 days.
- All data is gathered from API usign guilds and characters info.
- Characters under level 10 are not counted.
- EU and USA frontpage recommendations emphasizes english speaking realms, for specific language realms check the realms lists.

*Guilds Participation
Total number of characters from the same guild were present (2 or more) in raid or dungeon each time the boss dies.

**Guilds Boss Kills
Number of bosses killed in raids or dungeons when 2 or more from the same guild where present.

These numbers are to distinguish guilds that have members who participate together in raids and dungeons more often that other guilds.

WowRealmPopulation statistics
EU characters in database: 7 292 684 of which 2 025 856 is currently considered being active within 2 week period.
EU guilds in database: 34 631 that have at least 10 members that are considered active within 2 week period.

US characters in database: 6 708 800 of which 1 877 292 is currently considered being active within 2 week period.
US guilds in database: 10 286 that have at least 10 members that are considered active within 2 week period.

Korean characters in database: 1 396 323 of which 87 809 is currently considered being active within 2 week period.
Korean guilds in database: 2 573 that have at least 5 members that are considered active within 2 week period.

Taiwanese characters in database: 2 067 406 of which 73 277 is currently considered being active within 2 week period.
Taiwanese guilds in database: 2 245 that have at least 5 members that are considered active within 2 week period.

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