World of Warcraft
Realm Population
Most populated European  Alliance and  Horde Realms
Most populated Korean  Alliance and  Horde Realms
Most populated USA  Alliance and  Horde Realms
Most populated Taiwanese  Alliance and  Horde Realms


Taiwanese, 一般, 台灣, Asia/Taipei.

Other connected realms: 阿薩斯 冰風崗哨 地獄吼 寒冰皇冠 眾星之子 暗影之月 尖石 語風 
Last updated 12.10.2024
Realms active characters
Alliance 1 188
Horde 2 102
Overall 3 290
  Combined active characters
from connected realms*
Alliance 20 489
Horde 16 081
Overall 36 570
* 阿薩斯 冰風崗哨 地獄吼 寒冰皇冠 眾星之子 暗影之月 尖石 語風 
Realms most active guilds
Only guilds that have active members (2 week period) are shown.
  Guild Active members Side Realm Founded
1. Eternal Life 489 部落 語風 20.11.2021
  1841 Boss kills** where a total of 9012 members of the guild have participated*
2. 咪咪貓貓屋 402 部落 暗影之月 26.10.2022
  1809 Boss kills** where a total of 7403 members of the guild have participated*
3. Topaz Wavelets 399 部落 阿薩斯 10.11.2014
  2313 Boss kills** where a total of 7893 members of the guild have participated*
4. 繽紛之夏 383 部落 暗影之月 01.11.2009
  1151 Boss kills** where a total of 3715 members of the guild have participated*
5. 騎士娛樂團 381 聯盟 暗影之月 03.07.2023
  1816 Boss kills** where a total of 6917 members of the guild have participated*
6. 瓶子裏的海 350 聯盟 眾星之子 23.07.2010
  1993 Boss kills** where a total of 6296 members of the guild have participated*
7. 魔幻琉璃 336 聯盟 暗影之月 25.07.2008
  1646 Boss kills** where a total of 4424 members of the guild have participated*
8. 奧米利斯草莓園 312 聯盟 暗影之月 13.12.2007
  1149 Boss kills** where a total of 4205 members of the guild have participated*
9. 台灣 289 聯盟 狂熱之刃 22.08.2010
  505 Boss kills** where a total of 1326 members of the guild have participated*
10. Por Una Cabeza 289 部落 地獄吼 01.11.2019
  998 Boss kills** where a total of 3586 members of the guild have participated*
11. Hogwarts 228 部落 地獄吼 11.10.2020
  294 Boss kills** where a total of 2360 members of the guild have participated*
12. Bragi movement 227 部落 暗影之月 23.10.2010
  936 Boss kills** where a total of 3729 members of the guild have participated*
13. 美美家族 224 部落 暗影之月 29.12.2012
  678 Boss kills** where a total of 2023 members of the guild have participated*
14. 人間迷走 211 聯盟 語風 29.09.2020
  804 Boss kills** where a total of 3576 members of the guild have participated*
15. Fortune 209 聯盟 暗影之月 07.01.2012
  848 Boss kills** where a total of 6107 members of the guild have participated*
16. 艾澤拉斯最後希望 202 部落 阿薩斯 15.11.2017
  503 Boss kills** where a total of 1330 members of the guild have participated*
17. 王城白騎士 200 部落 冰風崗哨 01.03.2012
  667 Boss kills** where a total of 2529 members of the guild have participated*
18. 霍爾的移動城堡 190 聯盟 語風 27.10.2020
  521 Boss kills** where a total of 1796 members of the guild have participated*
19. 守護公主殿下騎士團 188 聯盟 狂熱之刃 01.06.2015
  420 Boss kills** where a total of 1495 members of the guild have participated*
20. 奶油雄獅軍團 187 部落 狂熱之刃 17.09.2007
  450 Boss kills** where a total of 1631 members of the guild have participated*
21. 春田豬式會射 185 聯盟 暗影之月 08.08.2019
  508 Boss kills** where a total of 2211 members of the guild have participated*
22. Invincible 177 部落 冰風崗哨 26.03.2010
  575 Boss kills** where a total of 2522 members of the guild have participated*
23. GraveYard 172 部落 尖石 15.11.2005
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
24. 熊貓人的世界 167 部落 狂熱之刃 16.09.2012
  219 Boss kills** where a total of 1309 members of the guild have participated*
25. Void Joker 162 部落 阿薩斯 13.12.2009
  376 Boss kills** where a total of 1046 members of the guild have participated*
26. 星辰小酒館 161 聯盟 語風 02.02.2018
  871 Boss kills** where a total of 2618 members of the guild have participated*
27. 魔獸地理頻道 159 部落 狂熱之刃 18.08.2009
  269 Boss kills** where a total of 1359 members of the guild have participated*
28. 不敗神話 156 部落 尖石 04.05.2011
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
29. 曼珠沙華 156 聯盟 尖石 14.07.2010
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
30. 虛光 154 聯盟 暗影之月 19.08.2018
  382 Boss kills** where a total of 905 members of the guild have participated*
31. 我們的故事 152 部落 暗影之月 16.06.2016
  459 Boss kills** where a total of 1184 members of the guild have participated*
32. Hotel California 151 部落 阿薩斯 24.03.2016
  394 Boss kills** where a total of 1064 members of the guild have participated*
33. 夜貓俱樂部 150 聯盟 地獄吼 01.12.2022
  480 Boss kills** where a total of 1458 members of the guild have participated*
34. Circle of Eight 149 聯盟 語風 29.12.2016
  516 Boss kills** where a total of 2306 members of the guild have participated*
35. Wrath of Tyrants 149 聯盟 暗影之月 13.06.2017
  625 Boss kills** where a total of 3902 members of the guild have participated*
36. 喜刷刷部落 146 部落 阿薩斯 06.01.2011
  164 Boss kills** where a total of 424 members of the guild have participated*
37. 奇異果果粒茶室 144 聯盟 語風 14.06.2020
  463 Boss kills** where a total of 2934 members of the guild have participated*
38. 永無止境的圓周率 143 聯盟 語風 07.08.2018
  437 Boss kills** where a total of 2089 members of the guild have participated*
39. 琉璃心 142 聯盟 尖石 27.10.2009
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
40. 流離尋岸的花 142 聯盟 暗影之月 03.07.2011
  192 Boss kills** where a total of 716 members of the guild have participated*
41. Always Open Seven Eleven 138 部落 地獄吼 27.06.2009
  582 Boss kills** where a total of 3494 members of the guild have participated*
42. 夢境 138 聯盟 眾星之子 17.07.2016
  166 Boss kills** where a total of 458 members of the guild have participated*
43. 迦樓羅王 138 聯盟 語風 17.02.2006
  505 Boss kills** where a total of 2313 members of the guild have participated*
44. Demons Souls 138 聯盟 暗影之月 06.12.2010
  558 Boss kills** where a total of 2023 members of the guild have participated*
45. 仙王巔峰究極仙法萬界破虛烈風逍遙滄瀾風雲 137 聯盟 暗影之月 26.04.2018
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
46. Wizzard Alliance 137 聯盟 暗影之月 01.01.2018
  417 Boss kills** where a total of 1048 members of the guild have participated*
47. 失落的國度 136 聯盟 暗影之月 28.10.2008
  290 Boss kills** where a total of 792 members of the guild have participated*
48. Nightmare x 134 聯盟 地獄吼 29.08.2024
  753 Boss kills** where a total of 2535 members of the guild have participated*
49. 鳳凰城基金會 132 聯盟 狂熱之刃 07.01.2006
  217 Boss kills** where a total of 672 members of the guild have participated*
50. 榮耀之風 131 部落 寒冰皇冠 05.10.2005
  252 Boss kills** where a total of 664 members of the guild have participated*
51. 零的領域 130 聯盟 狂熱之刃 07.11.2007
  156 Boss kills** where a total of 782 members of the guild have participated*
52. 伊甸風情 130 部落 冰風崗哨 06.11.2010
  289 Boss kills** where a total of 1136 members of the guild have participated*
53. Hard soul phoenix 126 部落 寒冰皇冠 19.05.2009
  294 Boss kills** where a total of 716 members of the guild have participated*
54. Death Invitation 123 部落 阿薩斯 27.01.2011
  255 Boss kills** where a total of 905 members of the guild have participated*
55. 瓶子裡的海 122 部落 眾星之子 29.05.2022
  363 Boss kills** where a total of 1282 members of the guild have participated*
56. Judgement 122 部落 阿薩斯 25.02.2006
  296 Boss kills** where a total of 1609 members of the guild have participated*
57. 夜寐兘離 121 部落 阿薩斯 01.01.2020
  714 Boss kills** where a total of 3299 members of the guild have participated*
58. Anuttara 115 部落 阿薩斯 22.09.2010
  425 Boss kills** where a total of 920 members of the guild have participated*
59. 不能說的公會 112 聯盟 狂熱之刃 20.05.2008
  92 Boss kills** where a total of 372 members of the guild have participated*
60. The Last Survivors 111 聯盟 眾星之子 08.04.2014
  468 Boss kills** where a total of 1612 members of the guild have participated*
61. 縱橫八極 110 聯盟 尖石 29.10.2005
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
62. Psychology 109 聯盟 眾星之子 17.10.2014
  538 Boss kills** where a total of 2183 members of the guild have participated*
63. TequilaSunrise 109 聯盟 暗影之月 30.12.2019
  551 Boss kills** where a total of 1617 members of the guild have participated*
64. Slaughter 106 部落 狂熱之刃 05.11.2008
  133 Boss kills** where a total of 479 members of the guild have participated*
65. 囧幫 106 部落 冰風崗哨 11.08.2008
  150 Boss kills** where a total of 891 members of the guild have participated*
66. 麒麟之眼 104 部落 阿薩斯 26.11.2008
  275 Boss kills** where a total of 786 members of the guild have participated*
67. Finding Neverland 104 部落 阿薩斯 17.04.2009
  331 Boss kills** where a total of 2167 members of the guild have participated*
68. Lost Time 103 聯盟 語風 24.11.2010
  438 Boss kills** where a total of 1737 members of the guild have participated*
69. 有臥底終止交易 101 聯盟 暗影之月 21.06.2022
  400 Boss kills** where a total of 1958 members of the guild have participated*
70. 路邊小花朵你長一朵我摘一朵 100 部落 冰風崗哨 27.12.2016
  273 Boss kills** where a total of 1333 members of the guild have participated*
71. 達克迪魔 99 部落 阿薩斯 25.08.2008
  316 Boss kills** where a total of 1024 members of the guild have participated*
72. 艾澤拉斯紅十字總會 99 部落 暗影之月 09.08.2014
  146 Boss kills** where a total of 458 members of the guild have participated*
73. 原罪 98 聯盟 尖石 26.12.2008
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
74. OppaiPower 97 部落 阿薩斯 05.09.2020
  288 Boss kills** where a total of 1947 members of the guild have participated*
75. 不正常人類研究中心 96 聯盟 眾星之子 22.04.2007
  328 Boss kills** where a total of 677 members of the guild have participated*
76. 當掉我的后花園只求換來你的一個回眸 95 部落 寒冰皇冠 31.05.2008
  161 Boss kills** where a total of 354 members of the guild have participated*
77. 雅仕俠風 95 部落 眾星之子 12.06.2009
  98 Boss kills** where a total of 196 members of the guild have participated*
78. 愛丟卡慘細 93 聯盟 阿薩斯 13.01.2008
  247 Boss kills** where a total of 979 members of the guild have participated*
79. 彩虹百樂門 93 部落 狂熱之刃 05.10.2005
  148 Boss kills** where a total of 376 members of the guild have participated*
80. 一切為了休閒 93 聯盟 眾星之子 17.08.2016
  231 Boss kills** where a total of 549 members of the guild have participated*
81. OrigiN 92 聯盟 語風 03.11.2022
  360 Boss kills** where a total of 2605 members of the guild have participated*
82. Bounty hunters 91 部落 阿薩斯 26.09.2010
  421 Boss kills** where a total of 1275 members of the guild have participated*
83. 大部落戰歌帝國 91 部落 尖石 23.11.2019
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
84. 汐月清風閣 89 聯盟 眾星之子 27.03.2021
  296 Boss kills** where a total of 1212 members of the guild have participated*
85. 春田花花幼兒園 85 聯盟 寒冰皇冠 26.12.2009
  85 Boss kills** where a total of 196 members of the guild have participated*
86. WindRose 85 部落 冰風崗哨 31.07.2007
  294 Boss kills** where a total of 1641 members of the guild have participated*
87. 不開冷氣的燃燒軍團 85 聯盟 語風 24.03.2017
  104 Boss kills** where a total of 208 members of the guild have participated*
88. 艾澤拉斯狂想曲 84 部落 暗影之月 29.09.2008
  281 Boss kills** where a total of 769 members of the guild have participated*
89. Valley of Wipe 83 部落 地獄吼 18.02.2012
  411 Boss kills** where a total of 2210 members of the guild have participated*
90. Ashbringer 83 部落 寒冰皇冠 26.09.2008
  19 Boss kills** where a total of 54 members of the guild have participated*
91. 深水酒吧 83 部落 寒冰皇冠 17.06.2011
  200 Boss kills** where a total of 512 members of the guild have participated*
92. 醒醒吧阿宅 83 部落 狂熱之刃 07.04.2007
  91 Boss kills** where a total of 320 members of the guild have participated*
93. HolyShadow 83 聯盟 語風 24.05.2019
  171 Boss kills** where a total of 614 members of the guild have participated*
94. The Last Alliance 82 聯盟 語風 05.07.2010
  405 Boss kills** where a total of 1072 members of the guild have participated*
95. TENET 81 聯盟 眾星之子 12.10.2020
  409 Boss kills** where a total of 2549 members of the guild have participated*
96. 幸福小舖 77 聯盟 語風 24.10.2005
  160 Boss kills** where a total of 516 members of the guild have participated*
97. 與你相伴 76 部落 尖石 14.03.2024
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
98. Dark Age 75 部落 冰風崗哨 17.12.2007
  148 Boss kills** where a total of 393 members of the guild have participated*
99. 薩特涅馬戲團 75 部落 寒冰皇冠 17.10.2010
  92 Boss kills** where a total of 252 members of the guild have participated*
100. Heroes Never Die 75 聯盟 語風 15.06.2010
  163 Boss kills** where a total of 677 members of the guild have participated*
101. Chosen One 74 聯盟 阿薩斯 01.07.2006
  176 Boss kills** where a total of 600 members of the guild have participated*
102. 南巡北狩 70 聯盟 地獄吼 16.07.2018
  168 Boss kills** where a total of 472 members of the guild have participated*
103. 皇家龍騎士 70 聯盟 暗影之月 25.11.2005
  159 Boss kills** where a total of 465 members of the guild have participated*
104. 暴風祭壇之台灣聯盟把台客搞大 69 聯盟 暗影之月 05.05.2010
  24 Boss kills** where a total of 48 members of the guild have participated*
105. 暮曦 67 聯盟 阿薩斯 19.08.2013
  219 Boss kills** where a total of 556 members of the guild have participated*
106. 來自星星的我們 67 聯盟 語風 07.09.2014
  230 Boss kills** where a total of 602 members of the guild have participated*
107. 雲想衣裳花想容 67 聯盟 暗影之月 22.01.2019
  204 Boss kills** where a total of 877 members of the guild have participated*
108. 絕境曙光 67 聯盟 暗影之月 24.07.2006
  248 Boss kills** where a total of 946 members of the guild have participated*
109. Per Aspera Ad Astra 66 聯盟 暗影之月 09.09.2024
  299 Boss kills** where a total of 720 members of the guild have participated*
110. 暗黑天命 66 部落 暗影之月 17.07.2024
  462 Boss kills** where a total of 1911 members of the guild have participated*
111. 如果有一天我變成有錢人就把妳取回家 66 聯盟 眾星之子 19.11.2011
  66 Boss kills** where a total of 148 members of the guild have participated*
112. RB paradise 65 部落 阿薩斯 13.12.2016
  186 Boss kills** where a total of 596 members of the guild have participated*
113. 夢天使 65 部落 阿薩斯 13.03.2013
  109 Boss kills** where a total of 362 members of the guild have participated*
114. Montu 65 聯盟 暗影之月 10.11.2007
  313 Boss kills** where a total of 1156 members of the guild have participated*
115. 令堂似鯤 64 部落 暗影之月 09.03.2023
  385 Boss kills** where a total of 1721 members of the guild have participated*
116. 我有新男人 64 部落 阿薩斯 05.03.2019
  142 Boss kills** where a total of 561 members of the guild have participated*
117. 小朋友齊打膠 64 部落 地獄吼 23.08.2018
  187 Boss kills** where a total of 823 members of the guild have participated*
118. 奈落之眼 64 部落 地獄吼 06.10.2005
  191 Boss kills** where a total of 884 members of the guild have participated*
119. Final Redemption 63 部落 冰風崗哨 13.08.2010
  139 Boss kills** where a total of 343 members of the guild have participated*
120. 後壁厝 63 聯盟 暗影之月 03.06.2010
  200 Boss kills** where a total of 488 members of the guild have participated*
121. 靠北工程師 62 聯盟 暗影之月 12.10.2016
  110 Boss kills** where a total of 220 members of the guild have participated*
122. Utopia 62 聯盟 暗影之月 08.07.2015
  170 Boss kills** where a total of 408 members of the guild have participated*
123. 中槍的鮪魚肚 61 部落 冰風崗哨 16.10.2005
  93 Boss kills** where a total of 295 members of the guild have participated*
124. 艾雪女王 61 聯盟 眾星之子 25.10.2006
  134 Boss kills** where a total of 378 members of the guild have participated*
125. 泰坦勇者殿堂 61 聯盟 眾星之子 28.08.2010
  265 Boss kills** where a total of 1218 members of the guild have participated*
126. 諾姆瑞根收容所 60 聯盟 眾星之子 25.11.2017
  120 Boss kills** where a total of 374 members of the guild have participated*
127. 小豬豬樂園 59 聯盟 阿薩斯 11.12.2023
  230 Boss kills** where a total of 736 members of the guild have participated*
128. 卡巴拉之根 59 部落 狂熱之刃 23.09.2016
  96 Boss kills** where a total of 425 members of the guild have participated*
129. Punishment of Asia 59 部落 尖石 05.10.2005
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
130. 邪能境 59 聯盟 眾星之子 03.01.2019
  277 Boss kills** where a total of 704 members of the guild have participated*
131. Meta 59 聯盟 暗影之月 09.09.2017
  323 Boss kills** where a total of 2154 members of the guild have participated*
132. 艾澤拉斯大奶保護協會 58 部落 阿薩斯 20.08.2024
  323 Boss kills** where a total of 1202 members of the guild have participated*
133. 男塾 58 部落 狂熱之刃 05.10.2005
  78 Boss kills** where a total of 285 members of the guild have participated*
134. 地下城 57 部落 阿薩斯 13.07.2021
  196 Boss kills** where a total of 656 members of the guild have participated*
135. 羅馬假日影迷俱樂部 57 聯盟 暗影之月 17.03.2010
  93 Boss kills** where a total of 196 members of the guild have participated*
136. 小黑屋 57 聯盟 暗影之月 21.01.2011
  228 Boss kills** where a total of 656 members of the guild have participated*
137. 全民最大黨 57 聯盟 暗影之月 29.09.2017
  210 Boss kills** where a total of 840 members of the guild have participated*
138. UseIllusion 55 聯盟 寒冰皇冠 10.10.2007
  57 Boss kills** where a total of 114 members of the guild have participated*
139. Elantris 55 部落 尖石 30.10.2011
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
140. 島田家 55 聯盟 暗影之月 16.06.2016
  373 Boss kills** where a total of 1115 members of the guild have participated*
141. 蒼穹之弓 54 聯盟 阿薩斯 06.06.2007
  193 Boss kills** where a total of 760 members of the guild have participated*
142. 眾星株式會社 54 部落 眾星之子 26.05.2006
  63 Boss kills** where a total of 250 members of the guild have participated*
143. 深紅之淚 53 聯盟 狂熱之刃 15.01.2007
  48 Boss kills** where a total of 129 members of the guild have participated*
144. 走唱人 53 部落 狂熱之刃 12.01.2010
  80 Boss kills** where a total of 252 members of the guild have participated*
145. 黑白講 53 部落 阿薩斯 03.07.2019
  35 Boss kills** where a total of 101 members of the guild have participated*
146. 暴風城 53 聯盟 尖石 10.05.2008
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
147. Aimer 53 聯盟 暗影之月 24.07.2007
  9 Boss kills** where a total of 18 members of the guild have participated*
148. 貓咪後空翻 52 部落 阿薩斯 24.09.2023
  196 Boss kills** where a total of 912 members of the guild have participated*
149. 半寶石 52 聯盟 語風 04.01.2014
  79 Boss kills** where a total of 158 members of the guild have participated*
150. 來自部落的愛 52 部落 寒冰皇冠 03.07.2006
  90 Boss kills** where a total of 198 members of the guild have participated*
151. Little Twin Stars 52 聯盟 暗影之月 24.12.2013
  176 Boss kills** where a total of 496 members of the guild have participated*
152. 溫泉會館 52 聯盟 眾星之子 25.09.2009
  143 Boss kills** where a total of 482 members of the guild have participated*
153. For Ever 52 部落 語風 08.08.2007
  80 Boss kills** where a total of 160 members of the guild have participated*
154. The Death WAltz 51 聯盟 地獄吼 09.05.2019
  71 Boss kills** where a total of 212 members of the guild have participated*
155. 我要看到血流成河 50 部落 阿薩斯 28.07.2021
  168 Boss kills** where a total of 773 members of the guild have participated*
156. 愛羅武勇 50 部落 狂熱之刃 23.04.2011
  123 Boss kills** where a total of 246 members of the guild have participated*
157. Myth of Eternity 50 聯盟 阿薩斯 05.11.2008
  103 Boss kills** where a total of 412 members of the guild have participated*
158. 我還有點餓 49 部落 阿薩斯 16.08.2011
  127 Boss kills** where a total of 399 members of the guild have participated*
159. 愛的抱抱 49 部落 冰風崗哨 26.11.2009
  105 Boss kills** where a total of 318 members of the guild have participated*
160. Etemenanki ziggurat 49 聯盟 語風 16.08.2020
  203 Boss kills** where a total of 811 members of the guild have participated*
161. 黎明曙光 49 聯盟 語風 09.11.2010
  150 Boss kills** where a total of 668 members of the guild have participated*
162. An Unfinshed Life 48 部落 冰風崗哨 22.07.2010
  21 Boss kills** where a total of 51 members of the guild have participated*
163. 白色獠牙 48 聯盟 暗影之月 01.08.2008
  107 Boss kills** where a total of 214 members of the guild have participated*
164. SuperNova 47 聯盟 阿薩斯 27.11.2012
  102 Boss kills** where a total of 272 members of the guild have participated*
165. 夢想的起點 47 聯盟 暗影之月 24.02.2013
  172 Boss kills** where a total of 380 members of the guild have participated*
166. 天空與小叮噹 47 聯盟 眾星之子 27.05.2013
  16 Boss kills** where a total of 48 members of the guild have participated*
167. 流浪者之歌 47 聯盟 眾星之子 28.10.2014
  101 Boss kills** where a total of 428 members of the guild have participated*
168. 世界盡頭的小酒館 47 聯盟 語風 29.03.2017
  110 Boss kills** where a total of 343 members of the guild have participated*
169. 狼群的領地 47 聯盟 暗影之月 23.09.2017
  161 Boss kills** where a total of 390 members of the guild have participated*
170. Walk the Earth 47 聯盟 暗影之月 11.05.2007
  116 Boss kills** where a total of 232 members of the guild have participated*
171. 辛普森家庭 46 部落 寒冰皇冠 06.06.2022
  45 Boss kills** where a total of 95 members of the guild have participated*
172. 草帽海賊團 46 聯盟 語風 23.02.2008
  210 Boss kills** where a total of 612 members of the guild have participated*
173. 时光老了 我们散 45 聯盟 暗影之月 08.06.2024
  22 Boss kills** where a total of 76 members of the guild have participated*
174. 極限鐵盒 45 部落 狂熱之刃 27.01.2009
  33 Boss kills** where a total of 88 members of the guild have participated*
175. 廣電總局 45 聯盟 語風 16.01.2010
  82 Boss kills** where a total of 232 members of the guild have participated*
176. 不可一世 44 部落 狂熱之刃 04.05.2023
  141 Boss kills** where a total of 298 members of the guild have participated*
177. 闲庭 44 聯盟 暗影之月 19.06.2023
  148 Boss kills** where a total of 385 members of the guild have participated*
178. Dawn Force 44 部落 阿薩斯 21.07.2016
  66 Boss kills** where a total of 228 members of the guild have participated*
179. 餘食贅行花了錢要有進步這些東西不值錢 43 部落 阿薩斯 02.01.2024
  14 Boss kills** where a total of 28 members of the guild have participated*
180. 人生海海 43 聯盟 暗影之月 17.06.2015
  126 Boss kills** where a total of 294 members of the guild have participated*
181. 艾澤拉斯老兵康養中心 42 聯盟 阿薩斯 15.07.2024
  166 Boss kills** where a total of 427 members of the guild have participated*
182. 哩甲賽 42 部落 地獄吼 25.12.2007
  88 Boss kills** where a total of 261 members of the guild have participated*
183. Silence 42 部落 寒冰皇冠 27.08.2008
  137 Boss kills** where a total of 286 members of the guild have participated*
184. 別怕有我在親衛隊向日葵大中小幼幼班 42 部落 冰風崗哨 15.02.2019
  162 Boss kills** where a total of 625 members of the guild have participated*
185. 錢包充實內心才能寧靜 42 聯盟 暗影之月 25.10.2016
  194 Boss kills** where a total of 618 members of the guild have participated*
186. 蝶戀花 41 部落 冰風崗哨 08.09.2016
  8 Boss kills** where a total of 16 members of the guild have participated*
187. 群星會 41 聯盟 語風 15.08.2009
  73 Boss kills** where a total of 146 members of the guild have participated*
188. Matamata Hobbiton 41 聯盟 語風 13.01.2019
  197 Boss kills** where a total of 802 members of the guild have participated*
189. 日晷之夢 41 聯盟 暗影之月 11.01.2010
  140 Boss kills** where a total of 280 members of the guild have participated*
190. 夜之旋律 41 聯盟 暗影之月 22.02.2010
  140 Boss kills** where a total of 350 members of the guild have participated*
191. Louis Vuitton 40 聯盟 暗影之月 13.12.2008
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
192. 天不生我如长夜 40 部落 暗影之月 08.06.2024
  46 Boss kills** where a total of 92 members of the guild have participated*
193. 莫高雷酒吧 40 部落 地獄吼 19.07.2008
  126 Boss kills** where a total of 405 members of the guild have participated*
194. 白銀之手 40 聯盟 眾星之子 08.05.2017
  65 Boss kills** where a total of 130 members of the guild have participated*
195. 魔王 39 聯盟 眾星之子 08.12.2022
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
196. 蘭陽會 39 部落 阿薩斯 28.10.2005
  116 Boss kills** where a total of 272 members of the guild have participated*
197. 休閑客棧 39 聯盟 語風 01.10.2015
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
198. 白色之戀 39 聯盟 阿薩斯 25.11.2008
  78 Boss kills** where a total of 271 members of the guild have participated*
199. 空空的境界 39 聯盟 眾星之子 27.10.2015
  58 Boss kills** where a total of 146 members of the guild have participated*
200. 尋求組隊 38 聯盟 狂熱之刃 04.04.2009
  29 Boss kills** where a total of 58 members of the guild have participated*
201. 人走茶涼時代 38 聯盟 眾星之子 03.01.2016
  142 Boss kills** where a total of 362 members of the guild have participated*
202. 咖哩飯 38 聯盟 阿薩斯 02.10.2020
  49 Boss kills** where a total of 119 members of the guild have participated*
203. Power to the dream 38 聯盟 寒冰皇冠 07.07.2007
  40 Boss kills** where a total of 82 members of the guild have participated*
204. 放開那塊生乳卷 38 聯盟 暗影之月 30.08.2019
  42 Boss kills** where a total of 180 members of the guild have participated*
205. Last Chance 38 聯盟 眾星之子 08.10.2013
  189 Boss kills** where a total of 681 members of the guild have participated*
206. 大楓樹 37 聯盟 暗影之月 13.05.2023
  144 Boss kills** where a total of 336 members of the guild have participated*
207. 九 霄 37 部落 語風 07.02.2024
  207 Boss kills** where a total of 616 members of the guild have participated*
208. 艾澤拉斯企鵝保育協會 37 聯盟 阿薩斯 08.10.2019
  33 Boss kills** where a total of 129 members of the guild have participated*
209. 寶寶花園 37 聯盟 暗影之月 25.05.2021
  175 Boss kills** where a total of 727 members of the guild have participated*
210. Frank Capra 37 聯盟 暗影之月 20.12.2017
  149 Boss kills** where a total of 490 members of the guild have participated*
211. Evil Incursion 37 部落 暗影之月 20.10.2008
  113 Boss kills** where a total of 236 members of the guild have participated*
212. 放高利貸 36 部落 尖石 08.08.2014
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
213. 小拳拳幫 36 聯盟 眾星之子 17.04.2024
  236 Boss kills** where a total of 1416 members of the guild have participated*
214. 夜巡者 36 部落 地獄吼 04.12.2009
  108 Boss kills** where a total of 802 members of the guild have participated*
215. Graveyarb 36 聯盟 尖石 05.04.2022
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
216. Regretless 36 部落 狂熱之刃 01.07.2007
  68 Boss kills** where a total of 190 members of the guild have participated*
217. 休閒家 36 部落 地獄吼 16.07.2020
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
218. 香港演藝人協會 36 聯盟 阿薩斯 08.08.2016
  193 Boss kills** where a total of 509 members of the guild have participated*
219. 凝聚 36 聯盟 地獄吼 29.12.2012
  29 Boss kills** where a total of 74 members of the guild have participated*
220. Blade Runner 36 部落 冰風崗哨 12.03.2013
  87 Boss kills** where a total of 391 members of the guild have participated*
221. For Belief 36 聯盟 語風 01.04.2016
  136 Boss kills** where a total of 581 members of the guild have participated*
222. Endless Comet 36 聯盟 語風 31.03.2008
  124 Boss kills** where a total of 287 members of the guild have participated*
223. 曦楓瑤舞 35 部落 阿薩斯 29.08.2024
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
224. 超能力星光 35 聯盟 暗影之月 02.05.2024
  19 Boss kills** where a total of 38 members of the guild have participated*
225. 湛藍十字軍 35 聯盟 暗影之月 23.11.2005
  44 Boss kills** where a total of 88 members of the guild have participated*
226. 賓克斯的美酒 34 聯盟 暗影之月 29.08.2024
  302 Boss kills** where a total of 1008 members of the guild have participated*
227. Amas 34 聯盟 暗影之月 23.06.2010
  11 Boss kills** where a total of 22 members of the guild have participated*
228. Never Say Never 34 聯盟 寒冰皇冠 26.05.2014
  19 Boss kills** where a total of 44 members of the guild have participated*
229. 阿曼蘇爾的遠見 34 聯盟 語風 16.03.2018
  30 Boss kills** where a total of 60 members of the guild have participated*
230. 一搞笑乂菁英乂黑澀會一 34 聯盟 暗影之月 14.11.2005
  75 Boss kills** where a total of 178 members of the guild have participated*
231. 寂靜夜晚 33 部落 暗影之月 16.10.2014
  12 Boss kills** where a total of 24 members of the guild have participated*
232. 不一樣的格調 33 部落 冰風崗哨 19.07.2009
  28 Boss kills** where a total of 72 members of the guild have participated*
233. 血染風采 33 部落 地獄吼 20.01.2006
  130 Boss kills** where a total of 346 members of the guild have participated*
234. 聖騎士軍團 33 聯盟 暗影之月 30.05.2006
  90 Boss kills** where a total of 180 members of the guild have participated*
235. 絕傲部落 33 部落 冰風崗哨 05.10.2005
  85 Boss kills** where a total of 472 members of the guild have participated*
236. 希望俱樂部 33 聯盟 冰風崗哨 07.01.2006
  89 Boss kills** where a total of 320 members of the guild have participated*
237. 永恆不朽 33 部落 冰風崗哨 14.09.2013
  17 Boss kills** where a total of 66 members of the guild have participated*
238. 小跑步 33 聯盟 語風 28.08.2007
  32 Boss kills** where a total of 64 members of the guild have participated*
239. 听说公会名字长邀请人他就会直接进来 32 聯盟 寒冰皇冠 22.03.2023
  77 Boss kills** where a total of 154 members of the guild have participated*
240. 默默無名 32 聯盟 暗影之月 10.08.2023
  117 Boss kills** where a total of 270 members of the guild have participated*
241. 我不想努力了 32 聯盟 眾星之子 18.11.2022
  84 Boss kills** where a total of 293 members of the guild have participated*
242. 初心 32 聯盟 眾星之子 19.11.2020
  114 Boss kills** where a total of 416 members of the guild have participated*
243. 房貸少年團 32 部落 阿薩斯 20.04.2020
  171 Boss kills** where a total of 604 members of the guild have participated*
244. 艾澤拉斯守護議會 32 聯盟 暗影之月 14.11.2017
  113 Boss kills** where a total of 256 members of the guild have participated*
245. 錢櫃 32 部落 冰風崗哨 19.09.2009
  1 Boss kills** where a total of 2 members of the guild have participated*
246. 摘星 32 部落 冰風崗哨 27.01.2006
  50 Boss kills** where a total of 154 members of the guild have participated*
247. Sweet Heart 32 聯盟 暗影之月 04.11.2012
  90 Boss kills** where a total of 180 members of the guild have participated*
248. Iridescent 32 聯盟 暗影之月 08.02.2018
  78 Boss kills** where a total of 160 members of the guild have participated*
249. 一個小小兔子窩 31 部落 眾星之子 19.01.2023
  177 Boss kills** where a total of 495 members of the guild have participated*
250. 夏夜回憶 31 聯盟 眾星之子 22.06.2017
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
251. 喵 嗚 31 聯盟 語風 14.10.2016
  128 Boss kills** where a total of 379 members of the guild have participated*
252. 明天更美好 31 部落 阿薩斯 24.11.2008
  103 Boss kills** where a total of 490 members of the guild have participated*
253. Dragon Soul 31 聯盟 阿薩斯 05.10.2005
  183 Boss kills** where a total of 648 members of the guild have participated*
254. 上流社會 31 部落 冰風崗哨 28.10.2007
  28 Boss kills** where a total of 80 members of the guild have participated*
255. 白雪銀狼 31 部落 尖石 27.09.2014
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
256. 相遇无名 30 聯盟 暗影之月 28.03.2024
  21 Boss kills** where a total of 42 members of the guild have participated*
257. 但丁湾 30 聯盟 暗影之月 13.01.2023
  41 Boss kills** where a total of 114 members of the guild have participated*
258. INGIRL STINN 30 聯盟 暗影之月 27.04.2018
  15 Boss kills** where a total of 58 members of the guild have participated*
259. 文盲輔導協會 30 聯盟 地獄吼 15.01.2017
  106 Boss kills** where a total of 392 members of the guild have participated*
260. 索蘭尼亞騎士團 30 部落 阿薩斯 25.11.2008
  41 Boss kills** where a total of 110 members of the guild have participated*
261. 肉球咕嚕嚕旅客服務中心 30 聯盟 冰風崗哨 22.01.2011
  70 Boss kills** where a total of 206 members of the guild have participated*
262. Neptune 30 聯盟 語風 10.01.2018
  159 Boss kills** where a total of 440 members of the guild have participated*
263. 幹飯都是人上人 29 部落 暗影之月 19.09.2023
  99 Boss kills** where a total of 286 members of the guild have participated*
264. 金馬獎得主休息室 29 聯盟 阿薩斯 04.04.2023
  97 Boss kills** where a total of 400 members of the guild have participated*
265. 野生動物園 29 聯盟 暗影之月 22.01.2023
  75 Boss kills** where a total of 571 members of the guild have participated*
266. 氣氛組 29 部落 眾星之子 09.12.2021
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
267. TheAvengers 29 部落 冰風崗哨 23.11.2020
  132 Boss kills** where a total of 561 members of the guild have participated*
268. 乂幻紫千紅乂 29 聯盟 眾星之子 08.05.2007
  78 Boss kills** where a total of 279 members of the guild have participated*
269. 空谷幽蘭 29 聯盟 阿薩斯 31.05.2011
  60 Boss kills** where a total of 150 members of the guild have participated*
270. 被遺忘的神族 29 聯盟 地獄吼 13.10.2005
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
271. 暗月地雷股份有限公司 29 聯盟 暗影之月 15.07.2013
  139 Boss kills** where a total of 346 members of the guild have participated*
272. 日不落 29 聯盟 眾星之子 04.05.2019
  32 Boss kills** where a total of 132 members of the guild have participated*
273. 達人會館 29 聯盟 語風 05.11.2011
  53 Boss kills** where a total of 110 members of the guild have participated*
274. 不落皇城 29 部落 暗影之月 12.01.2006
  145 Boss kills** where a total of 356 members of the guild have participated*
275. Numb 29 部落 暗影之月 28.05.2008
  67 Boss kills** where a total of 324 members of the guild have participated*
276. 夢幻糖果屋 28 聯盟 狂熱之刃 12.08.2018
  28 Boss kills** where a total of 60 members of the guild have participated*
277. 混沌幼犬 28 部落 眾星之子 17.08.2018
  76 Boss kills** where a total of 389 members of the guild have participated*
278. 消防一番 28 部落 狂熱之刃 24.09.2010
  13 Boss kills** where a total of 26 members of the guild have participated*
279. 傳說 由我開始 28 部落 狂熱之刃 12.10.2008
  94 Boss kills** where a total of 204 members of the guild have participated*
280. Night Owl 28 聯盟 阿薩斯 18.01.2017
  83 Boss kills** where a total of 278 members of the guild have participated*
281. 旅者 28 部落 冰風崗哨 12.08.2007
  55 Boss kills** where a total of 186 members of the guild have participated*
282. 趴趴家族 28 部落 眾星之子 02.09.2006
  40 Boss kills** where a total of 86 members of the guild have participated*
283. 死騎 28 聯盟 眾星之子 07.11.2007
  42 Boss kills** where a total of 84 members of the guild have participated*
284. Nega Nebulus 28 聯盟 語風 02.11.2008
  81 Boss kills** where a total of 208 members of the guild have participated*
285. 雨中的泰達希爾 28 聯盟 暗影之月 10.12.2015
  27 Boss kills** where a total of 54 members of the guild have participated*
286. 自肥親友團 27 部落 阿薩斯 23.11.2008
  84 Boss kills** where a total of 435 members of the guild have participated*
287. 陽泉酒家 27 部落 阿薩斯 30.01.2023
  190 Boss kills** where a total of 642 members of the guild have participated*
288. 風凌渡 27 聯盟 暗影之月 18.11.2022
  51 Boss kills** where a total of 106 members of the guild have participated*
289. Ancient century 27 聯盟 阿薩斯 28.04.2021
  35 Boss kills** where a total of 72 members of the guild have participated*
290. 烈火 27 聯盟 暗影之月 26.08.2020
  8 Boss kills** where a total of 48 members of the guild have participated*
291. 暗黑騎士 27 部落 寒冰皇冠 20.04.2008
  63 Boss kills** where a total of 198 members of the guild have participated*
292. Risen Dawn 27 部落 冰風崗哨 18.06.2017
  100 Boss kills** where a total of 218 members of the guild have participated*
293. Vicious Circle 27 聯盟 眾星之子 24.07.2019
  131 Boss kills** where a total of 445 members of the guild have participated*
294. 風采 27 聯盟 語風 09.10.2010
  123 Boss kills** where a total of 308 members of the guild have participated*
295. 中立熊貓人委員會 27 聯盟 語風 15.10.2012
  19 Boss kills** where a total of 38 members of the guild have participated*
296. 寧靜港灣 27 聯盟 暗影之月 04.11.2010
  84 Boss kills** where a total of 214 members of the guild have participated*
297. Spirit and Sword 26 聯盟 語風 04.11.2005
  32 Boss kills** where a total of 64 members of the guild have participated*
298. 鳳梨皇家遠征隊 26 部落 狂熱之刃 28.02.2023
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
299. 人生短短幾個秋 26 部落 阿薩斯 12.08.2020
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
300. 魔卡少女櫻 26 部落 寒冰皇冠 08.12.2022
  161 Boss kills** where a total of 378 members of the guild have participated*
301. Luv Bias 26 聯盟 語風 18.01.2022
  86 Boss kills** where a total of 304 members of the guild have participated*
302. 污水聯合企業之屠殺熊貓人分會 26 部落 冰風崗哨 28.11.2013
  111 Boss kills** where a total of 324 members of the guild have participated*
303. Scavenger 26 聯盟 地獄吼 08.07.2011
  12 Boss kills** where a total of 34 members of the guild have participated*
304. 戀愛回憶 26 部落 語風 03.12.2005
  11 Boss kills** where a total of 22 members of the guild have participated*
305. 流浪者尋夢學園 26 聯盟 語風 15.03.2007
  21 Boss kills** where a total of 42 members of the guild have participated*
306. 呆呆家族 26 聯盟 語風 02.06.2009
  13 Boss kills** where a total of 26 members of the guild have participated*
307. Battle Furry 25 聯盟 暗影之月 11.03.2023
  16 Boss kills** where a total of 32 members of the guild have participated*
308. 陌颜夕醉 25 部落 狂熱之刃 18.11.2022
  22 Boss kills** where a total of 44 members of the guild have participated*
309. 微涼午後 25 聯盟 眾星之子 16.11.2014
  105 Boss kills** where a total of 238 members of the guild have participated*
310. MOON 25 聯盟 眾星之子 31.07.2011
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
311. 一個小小兔兔窩 25 聯盟 眾星之子 16.01.2023
  8 Boss kills** where a total of 16 members of the guild have participated*
312. 狼窟熱炒店 25 部落 尖石 09.06.2013
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
313. 聖光屠熊先遣軍第八十七邪會分部 25 聯盟 暗影之月 18.10.2016
  114 Boss kills** where a total of 305 members of the guild have participated*
314. 憧憬 25 聯盟 地獄吼 22.06.2010
  10 Boss kills** where a total of 20 members of the guild have participated*
315. OberKommandoder Alliance 25 聯盟 眾星之子 20.04.2015
  11 Boss kills** where a total of 22 members of the guild have participated*
316. 金色曙光 25 聯盟 暗影之月 18.12.2008
  50 Boss kills** where a total of 100 members of the guild have participated*
317. 大理石產業專班 24 部落 狂熱之刃 11.09.2016
  46 Boss kills** where a total of 164 members of the guild have participated*
318. 自从加入了这个工会丨装备提升特快丨低保也周周红丨 24 聯盟 暗影之月 17.04.2023
  26 Boss kills** where a total of 54 members of the guild have participated*
319. 明月幾時有 24 聯盟 寒冰皇冠 05.02.2023
  51 Boss kills** where a total of 136 members of the guild have participated*
320. 浪人居 24 部落 眾星之子 20.12.2007
  16 Boss kills** where a total of 32 members of the guild have participated*
321. 藍色狂想 24 聯盟 語風 21.10.2005
  8 Boss kills** where a total of 16 members of the guild have participated*
322. 神海先天金丹元嬰化神反虛合道渡劫九天謫仙大羅道祖 24 聯盟 暗影之月 18.12.2021
  3 Boss kills** where a total of 6 members of the guild have participated*
323. 螃蟹隨便你吃社會福利機構 24 部落 眾星之子 28.06.2021
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
324. 我愛狗狗 24 聯盟 語風 30.04.2009
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
325. 國際補刀會分會 24 聯盟 地獄吼 23.11.2020
  50 Boss kills** where a total of 157 members of the guild have participated*
326. 裂魂 24 聯盟 地獄吼 24.10.2014
  36 Boss kills** where a total of 149 members of the guild have participated*
327. 飛天家族 24 部落 阿薩斯 28.07.2008
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
328. Peace of Formosa 24 部落 阿薩斯 28.11.2008
  18 Boss kills** where a total of 62 members of the guild have participated*
329. 不可一世 23 聯盟 地獄吼 27.05.2024
  9 Boss kills** where a total of 18 members of the guild have participated*
330. 水 善 利 万 物 而 不 争 23 聯盟 阿薩斯 22.11.2023
  45 Boss kills** where a total of 104 members of the guild have participated*
331. 荣耀联盟 23 聯盟 寒冰皇冠 20.05.2023
  26 Boss kills** where a total of 52 members of the guild have participated*
332. 为了国王 23 聯盟 暗影之月 31.07.2023
  8 Boss kills** where a total of 16 members of the guild have participated*
333. 此心安處即吾鄉 23 聯盟 暗影之月 07.01.2023
  38 Boss kills** where a total of 112 members of the guild have participated*
334. 星光大能力 23 部落 暗影之月 26.05.2024
  57 Boss kills** where a total of 114 members of the guild have participated*
335. 孔雀東南飛 23 部落 尖石 09.10.2009
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
336. 睡美人城堡 23 部落 暗影之月 19.09.2016
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
337. 亂世傲武 23 部落 暗影之月 26.04.2022
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
338. 霞浦頂級按摩店 23 部落 阿薩斯 25.06.2022
  64 Boss kills** where a total of 225 members of the guild have participated*
339. 延 期 開 會 23 聯盟 阿薩斯 16.07.2013
  50 Boss kills** where a total of 116 members of the guild have participated*
340. 神奇動物園 23 聯盟 眾星之子 19.08.2021
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
341. 逮蝦戶 23 聯盟 尖石 12.01.2021
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
342. A F K 23 部落 阿薩斯 25.06.2009
  92 Boss kills** where a total of 288 members of the guild have participated*
343. STARZ 23 部落 暗影之月 14.06.2007
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
344. 闇夜之瞳 23 部落 冰風崗哨 18.08.2007
  15 Boss kills** where a total of 30 members of the guild have participated*
345. Evil Empire 23 部落 尖石 30.04.2014
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
346. 調查兵團 23 聯盟 暗影之月 21.10.2019
  64 Boss kills** where a total of 136 members of the guild have participated*
347. 頭等艙 23 聯盟 語風 27.12.2009
  77 Boss kills** where a total of 156 members of the guild have participated*
348. 演員訓練班 23 聯盟 暗影之月 04.07.2015
  235 Boss kills** where a total of 1174 members of the guild have participated*
349. The Sword in the Stone 23 聯盟 暗影之月 15.01.2009
  109 Boss kills** where a total of 316 members of the guild have participated*
350. 逆乄境 22 聯盟 寒冰皇冠 05.03.2023
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
351. 蒼 穹 22 聯盟 暗影之月 05.02.2023
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
352. order dishes 22 聯盟 暗影之月 29.01.2023
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
353. 風華學園 22 聯盟 眾星之子 10.01.2010
  64 Boss kills** where a total of 275 members of the guild have participated*
354. 赤色風暴 22 部落 冰風崗哨 31.12.2005
  38 Boss kills** where a total of 76 members of the guild have participated*
355. Erinnerst du dich noch 22 部落 冰風崗哨 18.06.2021
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
356. 一非法入侵一 22 聯盟 暗影之月 11.10.2006
  95 Boss kills** where a total of 270 members of the guild have participated*
357. 戰慄深淵 22 部落 阿薩斯 28.11.2008
  125 Boss kills** where a total of 342 members of the guild have participated*
358. Aza Aza 22 部落 阿薩斯 23.11.2006
  95 Boss kills** where a total of 441 members of the guild have participated*
359. 雪月凋零 22 聯盟 眾星之子 02.07.2009
  126 Boss kills** where a total of 418 members of the guild have participated*
360. Dream of eternal 22 部落 阿薩斯 25.07.2011
  18 Boss kills** where a total of 52 members of the guild have participated*
361. 言午夕夕金戔 22 聯盟 語風 24.09.2009
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
362. 回鍋大聯盟 22 聯盟 眾星之子 10.05.2020
  7 Boss kills** where a total of 26 members of the guild have participated*
363. Mei 22 聯盟 暗影之月 12.04.2020
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
364. 沖繩奴隸島 21 聯盟 語風 02.02.2018
  37 Boss kills** where a total of 132 members of the guild have participated*
365. HeavenDawn 21 聯盟 語風 21.03.2017
  71 Boss kills** where a total of 250 members of the guild have participated*
366. 食人妖最好 21 部落 阿薩斯 06.12.2023
  77 Boss kills** where a total of 176 members of the guild have participated*
367. Extreme Requiem 21 部落 地獄吼 31.07.2011
  17 Boss kills** where a total of 34 members of the guild have participated*
368. Devil Angel 21 聯盟 狂熱之刃 20.12.2009
  60 Boss kills** where a total of 138 members of the guild have participated*
369. 蘇花胖粉絲後援會 21 聯盟 眾星之子 18.03.2023
  116 Boss kills** where a total of 386 members of the guild have participated*
370. SKYA 21 聯盟 暗影之月 28.03.2023
  90 Boss kills** where a total of 254 members of the guild have participated*
371. 奪命旅店 21 部落 冰風崗哨 12.05.2022
  9 Boss kills** where a total of 18 members of the guild have participated*
372. 搶錢兄弟會 21 聯盟 阿薩斯 10.11.2011
  142 Boss kills** where a total of 309 members of the guild have participated*
373. Dejavu 21 聯盟 暗影之月 13.06.2021
  24 Boss kills** where a total of 48 members of the guild have participated*
374. 地獄烈火比不上女人怒火 21 部落 寒冰皇冠 23.01.2021
  23 Boss kills** where a total of 58 members of the guild have participated*
375. 三代同堂幸福小站休閒集中區 21 部落 狂熱之刃 06.11.2020
  47 Boss kills** where a total of 134 members of the guild have participated*
376. 張君雅小妹妹家暴中心 21 聯盟 地獄吼 16.08.2008
  40 Boss kills** where a total of 116 members of the guild have participated*
377. 飄渺晨曦 21 聯盟 狂熱之刃 06.02.2015
  10 Boss kills** where a total of 20 members of the guild have participated*
378. 低 調 21 部落 眾星之子 05.11.2009
  48 Boss kills** where a total of 102 members of the guild have participated*
379. Mirage 20 聯盟 冰風崗哨 26.07.2010
  8 Boss kills** where a total of 16 members of the guild have participated*
380. 懷舊 光廊 20 聯盟 冰風崗哨 17.07.2010
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
381. Nightwish 20 部落 暗影之月 05.04.2023
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
382. 星光潮能力 20 聯盟 暗影之月 26.05.2024
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
383. SHACHIKUCASUALGAMERS 20 部落 阿薩斯 10.12.2022
  20 Boss kills** where a total of 40 members of the guild have participated*
384. 黑暗噬魔光明聖耀沉睡蘇醒火焰咆哮聯合團 20 聯盟 語風 13.05.2010
  26 Boss kills** where a total of 81 members of the guild have participated*
385. 京都浮雲傳統演藝高校 20 部落 狂熱之刃 16.06.2022
  62 Boss kills** where a total of 187 members of the guild have participated*
386. 北風呢喃 20 聯盟 語風 12.11.2005
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
387. 鲜血与荣耀 20 部落 暗影之月 31.07.2023
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
388. 鬼屋 20 聯盟 狂熱之刃 19.04.2022
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
389. 吹雪組 20 聯盟 寒冰皇冠 15.07.2021
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
390. 全球最大的美女矮人裸聊線上看接待中心 20 聯盟 冰風崗哨 02.06.2013
  55 Boss kills** where a total of 135 members of the guild have participated*
391. Pinion of Phenix 20 聯盟 地獄吼 10.02.2006
  136 Boss kills** where a total of 314 members of the guild have participated*
392. 別對熊貓說不 20 部落 暗影之月 13.12.2020
  35 Boss kills** where a total of 72 members of the guild have participated*
393. 古墓派 20 聯盟 狂熱之刃 05.05.2015
  69 Boss kills** where a total of 222 members of the guild have participated*
394. 全世界綠皮聯合起來成為一家人 20 部落 阿薩斯 18.06.2018
  29 Boss kills** where a total of 58 members of the guild have participated*
395. 懷古幽情 20 聯盟 眾星之子 01.06.2010
  5 Boss kills** where a total of 10 members of the guild have participated*
396. 繁花飄絮 20 聯盟 暗影之月 02.11.2007
  0 Boss kills** where a total of 0 members of the guild have participated*
397. Loot for Uber 20 聯盟 暗影之月 02.08.2016
  156 Boss kills** where a total of 402 members of the guild have participated*


Most populated server for EU is Silvermoon with 113 158 characters, for alliance most populated is with 0 characters and for horde with 0 characters.
Most populated server for US is Ragnaros with 27 498 characters, for alliance most populated is with 0 characters and for horde with 0 characters.
Most populated server for Korea is 달라란 with 38 955 characters, for alliance most populated is with 0 characters and for horde with 0 characters.
Most populated server for Taiwan is 尖石 with 36 570 characters, for alliance most populated is with 0 characters and for horde with 0 characters.

Population is calculated based on actively playing characters, instead of total number of characters found on server.

Wow Realm Population is for players who are looking for most active and populated Alliance or Horde realm and guild.

- Active character: Character has logged in within 30 days.
- All data is gathered from API usign guilds and characters info.
- Characters under level 10 are not counted.
- EU and USA frontpage recommendations emphasizes english speaking realms, for specific language realms check the realms lists.

*Guilds Participation
Total number of characters from the same guild were present (2 or more) in raid or dungeon each time the boss dies.

**Guilds Boss Kills
Number of bosses killed in raids or dungeons when 2 or more from the same guild where present.

These numbers are to distinguish guilds that have members who participate together in raids and dungeons more often that other guilds.

WowRealmPopulation statistics
EU characters in database: 7 292 684 of which 2 025 856 is currently considered being active within 2 week period.
EU guilds in database: 34 485 that have at least 10 members that are considered active within 2 week period.

US characters in database: 6 708 790 of which 1 877 793 is currently considered being active within 2 week period.
US guilds in database: 10 286 that have at least 10 members that are considered active within 2 week period.

Korean characters in database: 1 396 323 of which 87 809 is currently considered being active within 2 week period.
Korean guilds in database: 2 573 that have at least 5 members that are considered active within 2 week period.

Taiwanese characters in database: 2 067 406 of which 73 341 is currently considered being active within 2 week period.
Taiwanese guilds in database: 2 245 that have at least 5 members that are considered active within 2 week period.

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